How do I delete duplicate NPS responses for Visitors?

1) Go to Pendo > NPS and click into the NPS survey with the duplicate responses.

2) Click on the NPS Responses Tab and scroll down to the bottom

3) In the 'Responses' table, you'll see a new button in the upper right hand corner that looks like a bulleted list.​ Please click on that icon.

4) A new column 'Excluded' will appear. This will allow you to mark duplicate/incorrect NPS responses to be excluded from the NPS calculation.

5) After making your desired selections, please click 'Save' in the upper right hand corner​.

6) You'll then see a confirmation window appear. Please then click on the 'Refresh' button.

The NPS score will be updated in all charts, widgets, and dashboards.



1 comment
  • Is this best practice for "deleting" test records or would you recommend we do something else? 


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