Conversion Stats on Guides

I'm looking at conversion on guides and trying to identify where the counts of visitors are coming from.

I have a conversion stat that tells me "708 of 1082 have clicked" the feature I've set a my conversion target.

When I look at the metrics for the guide overall though, 1073 unique visitors have seen this guide.

I'm curious where the additional 9 visitors who could have clicked the conversion target have come from - is is possibly a time-related issue on surfacing metrics? My date range in metrics is from creation to today, but I'm wondering if "today" is just a bit more current in conversion than it is in metrics?



  • Hi Andrina,

    Thanks for posting in the Discussions Community. You have the right thinking as Conversions is the raw # of users who completed the feature / # of users who saw the guide (in real time). Our team is aware of this discrepancy and is assessing how we can make all of these date-range-related items across all applications be more consistent.

    Hope that helps and clarifies everything!

  • I am seeing a similar issue where the conversion is showing that 1398 of 8835 have used a feature whereas under guide metrics, the total # of unique visitors is 8812.

    Another issue with conversion rate is that it is unclear whether the users who used the feature completed the guide till the last step or not. Questions like: did the user drop out of the guide mid way or at the end to use the feature? can't be answered based on the conversion at the moment. We just know that the conversion was calculated based on whoever saw the guide and used the feature after.


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