How long does it take for Visitors created via POST /data/track to appear in the Visitor List section of the Visitor and Account pages?

Good Afternoon,

How long does it take for a visitor referenced in a request to POST /data/track to show up in the "Visitor List" in the Visitors page (People > Visitors) or in the "Visitor List" of the associated account page?

I confirmed that request was successful from the 200 status code returned by the endpoint, and when I call the GET /visitor/{visitor ID} endpoint I get the expected data for the visitor.

I completed the request around 10:45am ET, it is now 4:45pm ET, and they still aren't there. 

Thank you in advance,

- John



  • Spoke with PENDO support and here are the highlights:


    Re: tracked events do not update right away after calling POST /data/track

    Pendo Support: In general, data in the Pendo UI is updated every hour. We perform bulk calculations at the top of each hour and it can take up to 15 minutes past the hour to finish processing depending on traffic. Please let me know if that helps. 

    After 2 hours the visitor I referenced in the request body of POST /data/track endpoint showed up in the track event detail page. 

    Re: Visitors not showing up in the Visitors page or in the visitor list of an account detail page

    I made the request around 10:45am ET on Friday. I logged in on Monday morning and the visitor still did not appear in the visitor page or the "visitor list" of the specific account's detail page. 

    Pendo Support: The account detail page is looking for application usage. When you load that page, the backend is aggregating all of the data for the visitors who are associated with that account who have visited your application. The visitor was sent via the track event API. Based on [how] the account page aggregates data, I would not expect you to see the visitor on the page. 


    In other words: visitors and accounts do not show up in their respective pages unless the events are tracked via a "Pendo Snippet". The "Pendo Snippet" is the javascript code you place in HTML head tags. Since our application is built on Java and not a web framework, my team will not be able to incorporate the pendo snippit and are limited to using POST /data/track. Visitors and accounts referred in the request body of the POST /data/track endpoint will only show up in the track events page and when searching for them manually using the respective search boxes.



  • John Gaffney, there is a setting you can change so that track events will be counted as application activity. This would allow those visitors with only track events (but no other events) to appear on the visitors page, account page, etc. Please go to Settings > Subscription Settings > Click on Monitor Icon > App Details. Enable the setting "Count Track Events Received For A Visitor As Time In Application".

    This setting is not retroactive and won't impact track event that Pendo has already received, but it will apply going forward.

  • Angela Holly, that sounds promising. Thank you for the tip. I will review.

  • Additional details on the 'Count Track Events Received for a Visitor As Time in Application' here:


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