Angela Holly
Activity overview
Latest activity by Angela Holly-
Angela Holly commented, Official commentI'm messaging directly with Brittany via the Support ticket she submitted, but wanted to also answer here in case others have a similar question. You're getting separate rows because the metadata...
Angela Holly commented, Josh Todd Van Lente, there is no API endpoint/ agent function that will provide you with the unread announcement value. If this would be helpful, please submit a feature request. I'm also wonderin...
Angela Holly commented, Pete Lawrence another option you can try is: To display the Resource Center, use showGuideById as documented here: You would need to grab the re...
Angela Holly commented, Pete Lawrence, this still works for me. If you still need help, I'd recommend having our Support team take a closer look:
Angela Holly commented, Official commentJohan Hedlund, Michael Stanek Michael Garrity Rachana Kumari, if you are still having trouble with guide activation for multiple elements, please reach out to our Support team and they can help tr...
Angela Holly commented, Official commentUPDATE: This has been added to our Help Center article on Webhooks under the 'Example Webhook Responses' section.
Angela Holly commented, Official commentUPDATE: This has been added to our Help Center article on Webhooks under the 'Example Webhook Responses' section.
Angela Holly commented, Official commentUPDATE: This has been added to our Help Center under the 'Best Practices' section.
Angela Holly commented, Collin Bourgeois potentially, but this would require developing additional custom code. Customers are welcome to try developing this on their own, or they can purchase a paid engagement with our Pr...
Angela Holly commented, Official commentUPDATE: This has been added to our Help Center under the 'Troubleshooting' section. Please note, you must be signed in to view the article.