Andy Krueger
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Andy Krueger commented, Jason Ackerman Can I ask if you had any trouble adding Pendo to your Ruby on Rails app? My team is having trouble with ours so I'm wondering if you had to use any special 3rd party integrations or ...
Andy Krueger created a post, Can we measure a Guide Goal in a different Application from Guide in Multi-App Subscription?
We have a multi-app subscription where the public, unauthenticated marketing site is in a different Pendo Application from our authenticated SaaS product platform. We want to display a guide in the...
Andy Krueger commented, Emily Dunn Thank you, that's exactly what I was looking for!
Andy Krueger commented, I'm curious about this too. We are adding movable dialogs to our product, and it would be great to have that functionality in Pendo as well so they work consistently.
Andy Krueger commented, We're trying to do this too. Our URL contains a project ID that we want to pass through. It looks like this might be possible with Click Event Properties. But it would be ideal if there were a way ...
Andy Krueger commented, The example from Da-Me Kim worked for me. setTimeout(function() { pendo.onGuideDismissed()}, 3000);
Andy Krueger commented, I'm looking for this too. It seems like the Feedback feature supports email notifications. We aren't using that yet, but we do have forms in some Pendo guides and would like instant notification ju...
Andy Krueger commented, Howard Lio I can't find that request any more, and nothing shows up when I search for "drag and drop" in feature requests. Has this already been implemented, or should I file a new request?