Todd Stoffer
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Latest activity by Todd Stoffer-
Todd Stoffer commented, Official commentPendo has added official support documentation for this at https://support.pendo.io/hc/en-us/articles/360031861612-HTML-attributes-in-data-collection
Todd Stoffer commented, Hi Martin ArmstrongYou might be able to use nested elements for this. The rule for Location A would be something like .k-upload-empty #elementId (replacing element ID with the real ID of the elemen...
Todd Stoffer commented, Sorry Jessi Hansen I had the wrong date above. That link is for the September 15th analytics session. Is that the one you were looking for?
Todd Stoffer commented, The slides and recording from our September 15th session on Analytics can be found below: RecordingSlides
Todd Stoffer commented, Thanks to everyone that joined us for our recent Guides Tech Talk. There were a ton of great questions that came in through the chat so we wanted to post those questions and short answers to them h...
Todd Stoffer commented, In mobile (and in all Pendo analytics for that matter) we count days active by counting the number of 24 hour periods that we received at least 1 event from that visitor ID. The activity does not h...
Todd Stoffer created a post, Tech Note: Managing a major application update or UI refresh
If you are in the process of rebuilding an application that already has Pendo installed on it there are a few considerations that you will want to make. Changes in the tech stack you are using for ...
Todd Stoffer created a post, Tech Note: Programmatically Set the Do Not Process Flag from a Guide Poll Reponse
Overview In some cases, you may want to be able to allow a user to opt-out of Pendo tracking via a Pendo guide. This process uses a Pendo guide with a poll to ask the end-user to opt-out of trackin...
Todd Stoffer commented, Unfortunately, I don't think we have a custom code snippet available that can do that. Specifically getting the guide to pick back up on the step it was left off would be the trickly part. This wou...
Todd Stoffer created an article, Conditionally initialize Pendo
This article provides examples for conditionally initializing Pendo as part of the installation process. For more information about installing Pendo, see the Developer's guide to implementing Pendo...