Visitor Report Subscriptions
We would like to be able to receive email subscriptions of Visitor Reports on a daily basis. I see that a weekly summary is available, but we would like our sales team to be able to call on anyone who is logging into our app on a daily basis. It seems if you can do a summary, then a daily report would not be difficult, as it's just a different date range. Is this possible?
Thank you!
So doesn't seem like there is functionality for daily emailed reports right now, but you could create a segment of "users who logged in at least seven times in the last seven days" and then have THAT every Monday morning? :/ Otherwise yes it's a visitor report that they'd have to log in to Pendo to see and the date range would be anyone who logged in on the previous day.
Thanks Liz Feller. Ideally we want them to get it every day vs. weekly. We'll keep trying! : )