How to retrieve all application data using Pendo API through Python
Hi all,
I have been using Pendo API through Python to get Pendo data.I used some API calls to get the feature and page details and while retrieving those details i get only data relevant to particular application when setting the data to
But i was able to add other parameter called "appId" to get the other applications data.
But when i tried to get the Event details of Feature and Page,this method did not work and i get only data relevant to particular application.
Is there any reason for this data limitation to a single application?
Is there any work around to get the data from other applications?
Thanks in advance
Jesse Kitchens with the solution here:
"Pendo only returns data for the default app in a subscription w/o specifying the app or expanding to all apps in the request.
"appId": "expandAppIds(\"*\")"
which is necessary to pull event data from multi-app accounts. As an example, try using the call below where appId has been specified under the rowSource of the request:"The above response is what you'll use when making calls against the aggregation endpoint ( to get event data.
For other V1 API calls, such as as the feature endpoint ( or page endpoint (, you would add ?expand=* to the end of your request URL to get a list of features/pages from all applications in the subscription.
This would get you features for just the default application in the subscription.*
This would get your features for all applications in the subscription
Please reference this new Community post instead - it has the same information, but it's organized a little better: