Use Track Events in non-web environments

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This article explains how to use Track Events to install Pendo on non-web view environments, such as desktop applications, smart TV apps, and point-of-sale software.

To install Pendo in a standard format, see:

Supported capabilities

Using Track Events to install Pendo supports:

  • Analytics and reporting for Track Events, which includes data on dashboards, Data Explorer, paths, funnels, retention, PES, metadata, and behavior-based segmentation.
  • Targeting guides in other applications based on user behavior in your non-web view application.

Unsupported capabilities

Using Track Events to install Pendo doesn't support:

  • In-app messaging capabilities such as guides, polls, NPS, or the Resource Center.
  • Automatic event collection. Instead, your developers must add code to send a Track Event for every event.
  • Retroactive analytics. If you launch a new feature, but forget to send a Track Event for when it’s clicked, there’s no way to retrieve that data.
  • Pendo Feedback.

How installation works

Since the Pendo agent can’t be installed in non-web view environments, nothing is collected automatically. Instead, your developers must write code to send server-side Track Events for every activity that you want to track in Pendo. This includes Page views and Feature clicks. If your product is integrated with, you might be able to send Track Events to Pendo through instead.

Note: For more information about configuring Track Events, see Configure Track Events and the API documentation for server-side Track Events. After your development team configures the Track Events, collaborate with them to determine the best method to send these events from your app to Pendo.

Installation best practices

This section includes some best practices for using Track Events to install Pendo on non-web view environments.

Use existing logs

If your product is already logging page loads or feature clicks in another tool (such as Splunk or Logstash), your developers can modify the existing logging function to send these as Track Events to Pendo.  

Decide on a naming convention

The Track Event name is how your Track Event is represented in the Pendo UI. We strongly recommend that you define your naming conventions to keep in a data dictionary. Maintain a document outside of Pendo that defines naming conventions so that it’s easy for Pendo users to understand what a specific Track Event represents.

For example:

  • Page views start with “Page | “ 
  • Feature clicks start with “Feature | “
  • Feature names start with the page they’re on and the section of the page: “Feature | {page name} | {section} {feature name}”

Screenshots of pages with labeled areas are useful for busy applications, for example:

Keep track with a data dictionary

Data is only useful if everyone is in agreement on what it represents. We recommend keeping a data dictionary. Make your data dictionary accessible to the engineers who implement Pendo and the Pendo users who view analytics.

Use event properties

For enhanced reporting and segmentation capabilities, use event properties. You can include additional context about each event using event properties, which are configured in the JSON object’s properties key. You can then expand your segmentation and reporting capabilities in Pendo by specifying event properties. For more information, refer to the Custom event properties section of the Event properties article.

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