Implementation options

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There are multiple methods for implementing Pendo. The method you choose depends on a combination of your use case, target audience, tech stack, and deployment preferences. The main installation methods are:

  • The install script inserted directly into your application's code. Deployed by engineering, this is generally best for first-party applications that your company has developed or third-party applications that allow you to update or inject custom code into the application.
  • The Pendo Launcher browser extension. Deployed by IT through device management, this implementation method is used for third-party applications and is generally used when you want to implement Pendo for your employees.
  • The Pendo mobile SDK. Deployed by engineering, this installation method is used for your own mobile applications.

You can find more options and detailed instructions in the respective sections of our Knowledge Base.

Choose your installation method

The installation method you choose depends on whether you're installing on a first-party or third-party application, which is in part determined by whether you're installing Pendo to track customers of your own application or employees across several work-based applications.

Typically, employee-facing implementations involve third-party applications that you've bought and we therefore recommend using the Pendo Launcher browser extension.

Customer-facing applications are typically applications that you've built and own. For these applications, we recommend using the install script (and the mobile SDK if applicable) to install Pendo. This gives you more control over the data you can collect and view in Pendo.

First-party and third-party installation methods

  Install script Browser extension Mobile SDK
First-party application, external-facing
First-party application, internal-facing
Third-party application with access to alter code
Third-party application with no access to alter code

Available functionality

  Install script Browser extension Mobile SDK



Resource Center

Session Replay

Listen, except idea tests*

Idea tests in Listen*

* Listen comprises of a set of features and functionality, including different methods for collecting data from your visitors. Idea tests are one way to collect data from your visitors. You can use Listen regardless of the installation method, but you can only deploy idea tests in Listen if you've installed Pendo through the install script or using the Pendo Launcher browser extension.

Install script

Pendo can be implemented using an install script that consists of a short JavaScript code block (snippet) that gets added to your application. This installation method requires access to the application's code base. Alternatively, you can add the Pendo install script through a tag manager (such as Google Tag Manager or

Implementation using the install script involves adding variables under the visitor and account sections of the code block as metadata. For more information about metadata, see Configure visitor and account metadata.

Browser extension

Pendo can be implemented using the Pendo Launcher, which is a browser extension. This implementation method is limited to employee-facing applications. This installation method involves your IT team updating the required settings of the Pendo Launcher browser extension, choosing Visitor IDs and metadata, and then deploying the extension to your employee’s browsers. 

Mobile SDK

Pendo can be implemented using the Pendo Mobile SDK. The mobile SDK is used to implement Pendo in native mobile applications. Similar to the install script method of implementation, you must have access to the code base to install and configure the mobile SDK. Mobile SDK implementations support external (customer) and internal (employee) audiences. 

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