Uninstall from Chrome for Windows using GPO

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This article describes how to remove the Pendo Launcher on a Windows Active Directory (AD) network. The removal process for domain admins is as follows:

  1. Create the uninstall script.
  2. Open the Group Policy Management console.
  3. Remove the installation Group Policy Object (GPO).
  4. Use AD to deploy the uninstall script.
  5. Verify that policies have been correctly removed.

Step 1. Create the uninstall script

Create a PowerShell script called “PendoUninstallInstall.ps1” with the following contents and store it in a location that can be accessed from your endpoints.

# Remove Metadata file that may or may not exist
if(Test-Path "C:\temp\PendoMetadata.txt") {
    Remove-Item -Path "C:\temp\PendoMetadata.txt"

# Remove metadata to registry
$registryPath = "HKLM:\Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\3rdparty\extensions\epnhoepnmfjdbjjfanpjklemanhkjgil\policy"
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath -Name "APIKey"
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath -Name "visitor"

Step 2. Open the Group Policy Management console

  1. Right-click the Windows icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen.
  2. Select Run from the menu.

  3. Enter "GPMC.msc" into the Open field.
  4. Select OK.


Step 3. Remove the installation GPO

Delete the GPO that was created during your installation. Find and right-click PendoInstall under Group Policy Objects and select Delete from the menu.


Step 4. Use AD to deploy the uninstall script

Create a new GPO for "PendoUninstall". This GPO will be a Computer Configuration Startup script.

  1. Right-click Group Policy Object from the left-side navigation and select New from the menu.
  2. Give the new GPO a meaningful name, such as "PendoUninstall".
  3. Right-click on the new empty policy and select Edit.

  4. Navigate to Policies > Window Settings > Scripts (Startup/Shutdown).
  5. Open the Startup properties and select Add... to add a new script.
  6. Set the script name to "powershell.exe".
  7. Set the script parameters. Set the non-interactive flag, the execution policy to Bypass, and the file location to the uninstall PowerShell script from your network. For example:
    -nonInteractive -executionPolicy Bypass -file \\MARVEL.local\NETLOGON\PendoUninstallInstall.ps1
  8. Apply the new policy to the desired endpoints.

Step 5. Verify that policies have been correctly removed

  1. Sign in to a targeted endpoint.
  2. Open a PowerShell command line.
  3. Run gpresult /r. This returns a list of GPOs applied to the endpoint, similar to the following:

    Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated



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