View poll responses

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If your guide has a poll, then the Poll Responses tab is available to view metrics about your poll. You can also access the poll metrics directly by selecting a poll question under Polls in the Guide Metrics tab. For more information, see View guide metrics.


Filters control the data displayed in the charts and tables. Control the segment, date range, and language version of the guide if you're using Localization for guide translation. These filters are also shown in the Guide Metrics tab.


  • Segment. Pick a segment to see how certain groups use your guide.
  • Date Range. Restrict data to the selected date range. Pre-defined ranges for Today, Yesterday, Last 7/30/60/90/180 Days, and Custom Date up to 1 year are available. The pre-defined ranges for the Last 7/30/60/90/180 Days don't include data from today.
  • Accounts.
  • Languages. All languages configured in the app are available even if they aren't translated. The default selection is All languages.

Poll Details

The Poll Details chart provides information about the app the poll was run on, poll type, poll question, the number of responses and the number of visitors who saw the poll.

If there is more than one question in the poll, then select one to show the details for that question. 



Poll Activity

The Poll Activity chart shows the answer options to the poll question and the number of responses received for each one.



The Visitors table shows visitor activity with the poll. It shows the date of interaction, how many responses they gave and the account they belong to.


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