Guide metrics provide detailed usage metrics for an individual guide. These metrics surface data on views, visitors, time, polls, element clicks, and other guide activity. Data processes at the top of every hour and can take up to 15 minutes to display. With this data, you can get a comprehensive understanding of which users are seeing your guide content, how they're consuming that content, and any outcomes resulting from their usage.
- Pendo Agent v2.69.1 or greater
- Guides created with Visual Design Studio
- Guide content created with building blocks, not code blocks
Note: Exclude Text Collection in Subscription Settings blocks Pendo from seeing the name of guide elements. These elements are displayed in the Guide Elements table with the element ID programmatically assigned by Pendo.
View guide metrics
To view guide metrics, select a guide in the guides list and then select the Guide Metrics tab. Guide metrics are also available for announcements by opening their guide details in the Announcements module in the Resource Center. The following widgets show guide usage data:
- Top Stats
- Guide Views
- Polls
- Time on Guide
- Visitors per Guide Step
- Guide Elements
- Guide Activity
Filters control the data displayed in the charts and tables. Control the segment, date range, and language version of the guide, if you're using Localization for guide translation.
These filters apply to both the Guide Metrics tab and the Poll Responses tab.
- Segment. Pick a segment to see how certain groups use your guide.
- Date Range. Restrict data to the selected date range. Pre-defined ranges for Today, Yesterday, Last 7/30/60/90/180 Days, and Custom Date up to 1 year are available. The pre-defined ranges for the Last 7/30/60/90/180 Days don't include data from today.
- Languages. All languages configured in the app are available even if they aren't translated. The default selection is All languages.
Top Stats
The Top Stats chart highlights key metrics for analyzing guide reach and consumption.
- First Time Views. The first time the guide is displayed to a visitor.
- Total Views. First-time and repeat views (a guide continues to display until it is dismissed, even if it can't be manually activated).
- Visitor Ratio. The number of visitors who've seen the guide out of the total number of eligible visitors in the guide's target segment (eligible visitors can be filtered further with the segment filter).
- Average Time on Guide. The mean average time the guide was displayed excluding outliers.
- Median Time on Guide. The median average time the guide was displayed excluding outliers.
Tips: Views and visitor counts only show events within the date range. Set the date range to Since Guide Creation to see the total number of views and visitors for the life of the guide. The visitor count includes repeat views and might not equal first-time views with a restricted date range.
Duplicate the guide's target segment and add a rule for "[Your guide] seen never" to investigate the eligible visitors who haven't seen your guide yet. Be careful not to edit the segment the guide is using for targeting.
Average time on guide is an indication of whether visitors are engaging with content or racing to the Dismiss button. The average time might meet your expectation based on the length and complexity of the content. Extremely low times likely indicate that visitors aren't really looking at your content and we recommend you reconsider the content or activation.
Guide Views
The Guide Views chart shows a bar chart of total views broken down by first-time views and repeat views. The visualization can be adjusted in the dropdown lists to show weekly or monthly view totals and number of views or number of unique visitors. Select + Add Feature to add additional Feature usage data from your tagged Features to the chart with your guide view data. Select a data element in the footer to turn it on and off in the chart.
Note: Metrics for guide views, first-time views, and total views are calculated for the first step of the guide. Multi-step guide views of subsequent steps aren't calculated in these totals.
Feature Overlay
Feature overlay provides insights into how the guide has affected Feature usage. If a guide has been built to launch a Feature or direct users to an existing Feature, it's important to track the impact your content has had on actual usage.
Select + Add Feature button and select tagged Features from the dropdown list to add Feature click data to the Guide Views chart.
You can select multiple Features at once and then select out of the dropdown menu to add them to the chart and process the new data. Core events are prioritized in the searchable pick list with all other Features listed below. There's no limit to the number of Features that can be added, but too many Features can clutter the visualization. The Y-axis adjusts to accommodate the number of Feature clicks.
If your guide has a poll, then the Polls section displays showing a summary of the poll questions, question types, total views, total number of responses, and the guide step where the poll question displays. Poll types include number scale, yes/no poll, open text field, and multiple-choice. Select a poll question to see the detailed poll responses in the Poll Responses tab. For more information about poll responses and poll metrics, see View guide poll responses.
Time On Guide
The Time on Guide chart shows the average time the guide is displayed for each guide view, grouped into 3-second increments from 0 to 30+ seconds. Hover over each bar to show the number of views for that time increment. Average time calculations exclude outliers that exceed the average time on guide by more than 10 minutes.
For multistep guides, the Time on Guide chart shows the average time for each guide step first. Hover over a step to see the average time and total views.
Visitors Per Guide Step
The Visitors Per Guide Step chart shows the number of visitors who saw each step of a multistep guide. Hover over a bar to see the number of visitors for each step and the percentage of total visitors who've seen that step.
Select a step to open a slide-out with a visitor list that includes the visitors who've seen that step and those who haven't seen that step from the current guide target and filter segments. Export a CSV of either list to create a segment of those visitors or analyze them outside of Pendo.
Guide Elements
The Guide Elements table shows the usage of building block elements in the guide. The table includes the name of the element, type, button action, number of clicks, and percentage of clicks for each step. For a multistep guide, select the Group By Step checkbox to show the elements grouped by step or clear the selection to show the elements in a single list view.
Deleted elements are elements that Pendo has usage data for but aren't present in the current version of the guide. Select the Show Deleted Elements checkbox to see the complete history of guide element usage. The deleted element might display as Unknown if the deleted element was on an older version of the Pendo agent or if text collection is disabled for the subscription and the element name can't be identified.
Supported Elements
- Close Button
- Button building blocks and all associated actions
- Links in Markdown text
Button Actions - Table Values
- Next Step. Next Step
- Previous Step. Previous Step
- URL Link. External Link with URL
- Dismiss. Dismiss
- Go to Step. Advanced to step # and step name
- Snooze Guide. Snoozed with time duration
- Submit All Polls + Advance. Polls Submitted & Next Step
- Submit All Polls + Go to Step. Polls submitted & advanced to step # and step name
- Launch Guide. Launch Guide with Guide name
Visitor and account list slide-out
Select the number of clicks for an element to open a slide-out that shows the visitors and accounts who clicked that guide element.
- Select + Create Segment to create a segment for all visitors or accounts that have clicked that element ever. This segment is similar to segmenting by Feature usage and can be used for analytics or guide targeting.
- Download the list as a CSV to export it and use it for third-party analytics or communications.
- Select an ID to go to the details page for that visitor or account.
Note: Every building block has multiple unique IDs for each element in the HTML. Most building blocks have static IDs, but text building blocks have dynamic IDs that change each time the text building block is opened to account for different versions of text. Links in markdown text are identified by a dynamic unique ID that changes when its text building block is changed. This creates a new link element in the Guide Elements table. The previous version of the link and all usage data is still available as a deleted element.
Guide Activity
The Guide Activity table shows all guide events in chronological order. Select By Visitor to see visitor usage. Expand the visitor's usage to see all of their events in chronological order with the most recent status at the top. Select All Events to see a list of all the events on the guide.
The default columns include the Visitor ID, number of views, time on guide, status, and date and time. Multistep guides also include progress through each guide step and time on step. The table can be customized to include any of the product usage data or metadata available in a visitor report to provide additional context for user behavior. Select a visitor in the table to open their visitor details page in a new tab.
Guide status is the outcome of a user seeing a guide. The status indicates if the user closed the guide, if they interacted with any elements, or ignored it entirely.
Guide Status List
- Action Taken. The visitor interacted with the guide and advanced it with buttons or other behavior that caused the guide to advance. Submit Poll button actions result in this status.
- Advanced. This status only occurs in multistep guides when a visitor advances after step 1. If the guide is activated automatically, it might be shown to the visitor again until they dismiss or complete the walkthrough. If the visitor navigates away from the guide without closing it and then returns to the last-seen step in the guide, it displays automatically for up to 10 minutes from the last advance event. After 10 minutes, the guide resets and shows the first step.
- Button Clicked. Visitor clicked on a button created with a building block.
- Close Button Clicked. Visitor clicked the "X" close button. An automatic guide isn't shown to the visitor again.
- Closed. Visitor closed the guide with a dismiss action. An automatic guide isn't shown to the visitor again.
- Completed. This status only occurs in multistep guides when a visitor has fully progressed through all of the steps without dismissing the guide.
- Displayed. The guide was presented to the visitor and they didn't take any action to advance or dismiss the guide. If the guide is set to display automatically, it's presented to them again.
- Snoozed. The guide was temporarily dismissed with the Snooze Button action.
- Display Errors. An alert that detects that guide step(s) didn't display to visitor. The link sends you to your Alerts list.
Add guide widgets to dashboard
You can add any of these guides widgets to the widget library so you can see key information from the guide's details page together with the other parts of your dashboard. For more information, see Dashboard widgets.