Segments are used throughout Pendo to filter users for analytics and to target guides. If a visitor meets all rules of a segment, they're included in the segment, whether it's applied to filter data or used for targeting a guide.
This article reviews how to manage segments on the Segments page. If you're interested in learning more about segment creation, see Segments. For more information about segment rules, see Segment rules.
First, access the Segments page by selecting People > Segments in the left-side menu. This takes you to a list of segments, which consists of segments that were created by you and any segment created by anyone else with the visibility set to Everyone.
Refine the segments list
In the list of segments on the Segments page, each row shows you:
- The segment name.
- When the segment was last updated.
- Who created the segment.
- A preview of the segment rules.
There are also three filters for refining the segments list:
Created by. To only show segments that you made, open the dropdown menu under the Segments header and choose Created by me.
Verification status. If a segment is marked as verified, this means that an admin user has approved the segment for quality and accuracy.
Favorites. You can favorite segments by using the star icon in the table or in a segment's details. Then, use the star filter at the top of the page to only view your favorited segments. Your favorite segments populate at the top of the filter list in alphanumerical order when you apply a segment across Pendo.
Use the search bar to help you find your desired segment. As you enter a search query, the table results update to show you which segments match your query.
Export the segment list
If you need to download your segment data for offline analysis or sharing with others, you can export your list of segments as a CSV file. Select the Download CSV icon in the top-right corner of the table. The CSV includes all data currently displayed in the table.
View and edit segment details
Select the name of one of the segments in the segment list to open the right-side panel and view segment details.
The right-side panel includes several actions at the top:
- Favorite. Use the star icon to mark the segment you're viewing as a favorite.
- Download CSV. Export a list of all eligible visitors for the segment you're viewing, including your desired metadata for each visitor.
- Duplicate. Make a copy of the segment you're viewing.
- Delete. Delete the segment you're viewing.
- Exit. Close the side panel to exit the details of the segment you're viewing and return to the full Segments table.
Below the actions, you can find the name of the segment, who created it, the total number of eligible visitors, if it's eligible for guide targeting, and an Edit segment option to change the rules of the segment you're viewing.
Tip: You can also edit segments from any Pendo page by opening the segment filter dropdown list, then selecting the edit icon next to the name of the segment. Modify your segment rules as needed, then save your changes.
The details panel also consists of three tabs:
- Overview. Includes the description and all segment rules.
- Eligible visitors. The total number of visitors that are a part of the segment, as well as their Visitor IDs. This list displays up to 250 visitors. To see all eligible visitors, select Download CSV at the top of the panel.
- Used by. Any dependencies in which the segment is currently used in Pendo, such as for reports or guides.
Submit a segment for verification
Verifying a segment informs your team that it's been checked for quality and accuracy based on your organization's standards. This allows team members to select useful segments for analysis and helps administrators maintain a clean, organized, and reliable dataset. Verified segments promote consistency and confidence within your team by simplifying analysis and directing users toward approved data.
To submit a segment for verification, open a segment's details, select the Unverified dropdown menu, and then select Request verification.
When you submit a segment for verification, the request goes to an admin to review and verify the segment. Only Pendo admin users can approve verification requests and unverify segments.
For more detailed guidelines and for admin guidelines, see Verify segments.
Bulk-delete segments
To delete a segment, select the checkbox next to one or more segments in the table, then select Delete.
This prompts a confirmation screen and a list of dependencies. It also notes if the segment is currently used in any existing reports or guides. To confirm deletion, select Delete Segment.