Can I copy a guide from one app to another?
I've got a multi-app subscription. There's a guide created in one app that I'd like to copy for another app. Is there a way to do this?
I've got a multi-app subscription. There's a guide created in one app that I'd like to copy for another app. Is there a way to do this?
There is not a way to clone between subscriptions at this time, that I know of. It's likely already a feature request, if it's not you can create it via the Pendo Resource Center in the Pendo app. The best workaround I found was to open Pendo in two different browsers and copy and paste the values back and forth. A good clipboard manager like Pastebot comes in handy here.
Thanks brandon for the workaround, and yes Ashley Renlund this is currently a feature request that our Pendo Product team is looking at here:
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That feature request doesn't seem to exists anymore.
An easier workaround for this is to open the guide you want to copy in the designer, then Save as...Layout. Then go to create a new Guide (from layout), pick the other application you want to put it in from the dropdown selector (multi-app subscriptions require you assign a guide to an app) then choose the layout. I usually just label the layout with the word 'temporary' in it so I know to delete it after I have made the copy. Layouts are your bridge between apps!
This worked, Eric - but only for the first step in the multi-step guide.
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