add small image next to section title in Resource Center


I want to add a small image next to a section title of my Resource Center to indicate that there is new content.  And I do not want to use an Announcement style section.

Here is a mock-up, showing a purple "new" oval shown below next to "Help Center" .... I used the Pendo Resource Center for my example :) 

Is there a way to do this?



  • Hi Darla!

    Unfortunately this is not supported because this would be a guide on top of a guide. What's your thought process for not wanting to use the Announcements section?

  • Hi Howard.

    Thought process is that the content of these sections are NOT announcements but rather How-To pop-ups, each with a video and some text.  You could argue the content belongs in a Knowledgebase but we do NOT have that integrated with Pendo at this time.  

    The section might be compared to your "Pendo Use Cases" section.  We want to add to this every couple of weeks but want to want a visual indicator that there is something new for the user to check out.

    Does that make sense?



  • Got it thank you Darla - appreciate the explanation and setup for this way. 

    Liz Feller had a workaround shared by using the power of emojis next to the module titles (Announcements 📢 or Events 📅  )

    It's not the badging like you had described, but what are you thoughts for using emojis 💥?

  • Hey Howard.

    Emojis could work.  Downside is I cannot tie to a segment (ie.  only show for users who have yet to view the new content) but this is better than nothing.

    Any chance you know where to find the details on how to add the emojis?



  • If you do not have any shortcuts, I use this link to find any emoji to copy/paste and insert into the title - 

  • 💥  Sweet ! Thank you!


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