Multi-App and User Permissions - Custom Roles?

For a multi-app setup, where one Pendo user might need different user permissions by app (they should have advanced user rights in one app but viewer rights in all others), how would I set that up?



  • Hey Liz Feller,

    Thanks for the question - I found this article here that I believe can allow the setup you called out:

    "Users can have different roles for each application in your multi-app subscription. A user that only needs to create guides in one app can be a Guide Creator in one app and a Viewer in all other apps. Viewer is the default role automatically assigned to all apps for all users. This role cannot be removed."

    Does this help answer your question?

  • I think so! I was looking at a subscription that has web + mobile, so it's technically multi-app in that sense but it is not more than one actual product, so I wasn't seeing the ability to customize by app.


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