No Permalink to trigger the Resource Center opening

But here's a workaround that you can try, courtesy of our professional services team, Mike Fotinatos:

"So, Pendo doesn't give you a permalink, but if you're up for rolling up your sleeves a bit, we can actually generate the permalink ourselves.The Resource Center Home View exists within the guides payload in your browser, just like any other Pendo guide. In this screenshot, I'm finding the RC by name in that payload in my browser console (right click, go to inspect, and then Console):


Since I can see that the Resource Center in my product is the 12th guide in that list based on the function I typed above (pendo._.pluck(pendo.guides, 'name')), I can pull the ID from it, which is used to generate the permalink. That's show in this next screenshot:

Finally, we can assemble the permalink for my Resource Center, and you can follow this same process. It's just going to be for mine, and you'll want to add your Guide ID to the end of yours product's URL to do the same. You can follow that link and see the experience in action, if you're curious!"




  • If you are using this workaround, upvote this thread and share with the Discussion Community about how you're using this in your Pendo environment!

  • Is that link in the final paragraph supposed to launch open the Resource Center on that page? That's what we are hoping to do with our own. I can see the Resource Center but it only opens if I manually click it in the "fortynachos" demo.

  • Hi Eric Miller,

    Looks like Mike's github sandbox instance has gone through some changes (this may change again in the future), but yes this is still expected to launch open the Resource Center. Check out the link again but here's a gif of what this should look like now. 

  • Thank you so much for this! We recently redid our resource center, and were looking for a way to highlight it in our monthly customer newsletter.  This workaround is perfect. 

  • Howard Lio Is there any setting that need to be configured in Pendo in order to use this method of activation?


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