Michael Garrity
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Latest activity by Michael Garrity-
Michael Garrity commented, Malachi Hopoate in my organization we've had a number of customers that have had the same issue. For us it turned out to be a pop up blocker on their end.
Michael Garrity commented, Kirstie Chan Only thing I could think of is to use data mapping ( https://support.pendo.io/hc/en-us/articles/360038273392-Data-mapping-and-data-types-in-Pendo ) (See the "Date" section). Use this t...
Michael Garrity commented, Manuel Sahetapy you should be able to just hover over and delete. See example below:
Michael Garrity commented, Amy Was How is your segment currently setup? Is it based off a specific field or did you add users/accounts manually? Internally here we are using data mapping ( https://support.pendo.io/hc/en-us/a...
Michael Garrity commented, I think you should be able to activate the guide using the command pendo.showGuideById('GUIDE-ID-HERE');
Michael Garrity commented, When you are creating your segment, there should be a "First Visit" option listed under Account Data. Would this work for your use case?
Michael Garrity commented, Devin Hartnett I think the best way to accomplish this would be to create a segment (or add to your existing segment). Here you can set the action you were referring to about having seen X number ...
Michael Garrity created a post, Show visitor their ID in guide
Is there any way to show a visitor their visitor id within a guide?
Michael Garrity commented, If still needed, add a custom code block and: Add this code in the HTML section (replacing the your_url_here with your desired URL): <a id="openUrlLink" href="your_url_here" target="_blank"></a>...
Michael Garrity commented, Ryan Prouty - I had a similar scenario in my org. The way we solved it was by using the Pendo Data Mapping. This essentially pulls in data from one of your internal systems into Pendo. You can then...