Auto-notify team members of NPS responses
Hi Pendo community!
Has anyone configured their Pendo NPS to send alerts about scores to sales/account reps that are responsible for those individual clients? (B2B context).
I'm hoping for a way to privately notify them. i.e. your client rated us 2/10, as a heads up to maybe follow-up with them.
If yes, how did you accomplish this? Using the Pendo <> Salesforce integration?
Thanks in advance for the advice!
Hi Alexandra, I'm not sure how you would do this privately but at Pendo, we have a public Slack channel for all NPS responses.
On the response posted into Slack, we show the customer success manager so if there is follow-up required, it's easy for them to pick up and others can jump in and help where needed too.
I did find an article giving some information on how you can push NPS data in Salesforce here:
And if you do use Slack, that might be a good option too. Here's the article on that:
Hope this helps a bit!
Its sad to see that there is no way to either send these results on a daily basis to the email alias or integration with any other product like MS Teams. Why only slack :(
Alexandra Jakubowski Have you figured out how to do this yet? We're still in the process of installing Pendo Feedback, but I asked about this during the sales process and was told that it's possible.