Create replay playlists

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When you find multiple replay clips that share a theme, you can group them together into a playlist. This allows you to play the clips in sequential order, add additional clips that fit the theme, and share the playlist with others.

Create a new playlist

You can create or add to a playlist from your saved clips or from within the replay player. The steps for creating a playlist and saving clips to a playlist are the same.

From your saved clips

If you've already clipped the replays you want to add to your new playlist, follow these steps:

  1. To create a playlist from your saved clips, go to Replay > Saved Clips and select Create playlist in the top-right corner of the page.


  2. Name your playlist by selecting Unnamed @ [time] in the top-left corner of the page. This helps you distinguish it from other playlists when adding clips to it.

  3. To add an optional description for the playlist, select the Add a description field. When writing a description, save or cancel the changes by selecting the buttons that appear to the right of the description.


  4. To add clips to the playlist, select View my clips. This takes you to your saved clips, where you can select the checkboxes to the left of the saved clips that you want to add to your new playlist.
  5. After you select each clip, select Add to playlist above the table.


A confirmation message appears to confirm that the clips were added. To open the playlist, select View playlist from the confirmation message.

From the replay player

If you haven't clipped the replays you want to add to your new playlist yet or you're already viewing a clip from the replay player, follow these steps:

  1. To create or add to a playlist while watching a replay, select the Add to playlist button in the top-right corner of the player.


  2. If you're adding a clipped replay to the playlist, go to the next step. If you're viewing a full replay, you must create a clip first. In the bottom-right corner of the player, adjust the Start time and End time to your preference, then select Add to playlist to create the clip and save it to your playlist.


  3. Select the Add to playlist dropdown, then select + Create new playlist at the bottom of the dropdown menu.


  4. Enter a name and description (up to 280 characters), then select a color and icon for the playlist. These details make it easy for you to find your playlist later and for your team to understand the purpose of the playlist.


View playlist details

After you create a new playlist or add saved clips to an existing playlist, a confirmation message appears in the top-right corner of the page. Select View playlist to open the playlist's details page.


If the confirmation message disappears before you can select that option, open the playlist details by going to Replay > Saved Clips and selecting the Playlists tab.

By default, you only see your playlists on this page. To switch to seeing playlists created by other users in your subscription, select the Created by me dropdown, then select Created by anyone.


All clipped replays expire one year after their start time, unless manually deleted before then.

Update playlist name and description

You can visit the playlist details page at any time to add or update the name or description. The description supports up to 280 characters.

To change the name of a playlist, select its current name in the top-left corner of the page.

To change the description, select the description or the Add a description field to edit or add the description. When editing the description, save or cancel the changes by selecting the buttons that appear to the right of the description.


Manage clips in a playlist

You can adjust the order of clips and remove clips from a playlist from the playlist details page by selecting the icon in the far-right of the relevant table row.

Adjusting the order of clips modifies the playlist queue.

Removing a clip from a playlist doesn't delete it as a saved clip. As long as the clip exists in Replay > Saved Clips, you can add it back to a playlist at any time. 

Icon Description
Replay_Playlist_MoveToTop.png Moves clip to the top of the table, or the beginning of the playlist queue.
Replay_Playlist_MoveUp.png Moves clip up one row in the table, or up one in the queue.
Replay_Playlist_MoveDown.png Moves clip down one row in the table, or down one in the queue.
Replay_Playlist_MoveToBottom.png Moves clip to the bottom of the table, or the end of the playlist queue.
Replay_Playlist_Remove.png Removes clip from the playlist.


Share playlist

If you’d like to share a playlist with someone else, select Copy link in the top-right corner of the playlist details. This action copies the playlist link to your device's clipboard so that you can paste it in your desired platform.


When the recipient opens the link, it directs them to the full playlist, where they can select Play in the top-right corner of the page to watch the full playlist, or select Play to the left of ‌a specific clip in the playlist to watch that clip first.

Delete a playlist

To delete a playlist, select the trash can icon in the top-right corner of the playlist details page.


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