Upload a CSV file of feedback to Listen

Last updated:

You can add feedback responses to Listen at scale by uploading a CSV file containing up to 5000 rows of feedback items.

Upload a CSV file

To upload a CSV file of feedback into Listen:

  1. Go to Listen > Feedback sources.
  2. If you already have at least one source connected, select Connect sources in the top-right corner. If you don't already have a source connected, you're automatically taken to the Connect sources page.
  3. Choose Upload CSV.
  4. Select Choose file. Alternatively, you can first download and edit the Template file, which provides the correct format for the CSV with annotations.
  5. In the preview that opens below the import box, check the columns and rows and then select Next step. This opens the Mapping page.
  6. Check that the existing fields (VisitorAccount, Title, and so on) map onto the expected columns in your CSV file. For each destination field, you can manually set the the correct column in your CSV using the dropdown menus on each row. For guidance, see CSV mapping in this article.
  7. If any issues are identified with your CSV, review the Fix issues table for any rows that say Value required or Value invalid. Check the values in your file against the expected values for Listen. You can't progress until you fix all issues for Apps and Product Areas.

    Fix issues and Preview.png

  8. Select Import feedback in the bottom-right corner of the screen. This opens an import screen and then an import review where you can see how successful the upload was.
    • Successful imports on the left side shows you what percentage of your CSV was successfully uploaded. If this is 1% or more, you can select View insights to see the data that was successfully uploaded.
    • Unsuccessful imports on the right side shows you what percentage of your CSV wasn't successfully uploaded. Select Download error CSV to review errors in your file.
  9. Select View insights to see a summary of your feedback.

This creates a new feedback view, filtered by your CSV source.

CSV mapping

  • Visitor and Account are case-sensitive. A CSV file upload will fail if the entries don't match exactly what's in the Pendo system already.
  • You only need a corresponding column for the VisitorAccount, Title, and App. The rest are optional. 
  • Although the Visitor and Account columns are required, each row in your CSV file can have one or both Visitor IDs and Account IDs. This means that a given row doesn't need to have an Account ID so long as it has a Visitor ID, and doesn't need to have Visitor ID so long as it has an Account ID.
  • If a Visitor ID does have an Account ID, the Account ID must be included.
  • The value entered under the App column must correspond with the Display name in your application settings. This can be renamed by a Pendo Admin user. For more information, see Web application settings.
  • If you add entries for Labels to your CSV that don't represent labels that already exist in Listen, new feedback labels are created in Listen.
  • If you don't create an entry for Submitter, the entries default to the person who uploads the CSV file.


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