Send guide poll responses to Listen

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You can send any open-ended poll responses in Pendo as feedback items in Listen. This allows you to bring your responses into a centralized location in Listen, along with the rest of the feedback you've captured. You can:

  • Manually send individual guide poll responses to Listen from the guide itself.
  • Automatically send future poll responses to Listen. You can set this up from an individual poll in the Guides page or from Listen > Feedback.
  • Bulk-import existing poll responses. You can set this up at the same time as you set up automatic forwarding of future poll responses or by adding the guide as a feedback source in Listen.

If you plan to automatically send poll responses, we recommend that you turn on Feedback summaries in Listen, which you can find by going to Settings > Subscription settings. This allows Pendo to automatically create titles based on the response description for each feedback item created. Turning this setting on ensures that feedback items are automatically named based on the text of the individual responses. If this setting is turned off, all responses in a poll that are sent to Listen as feedback items are named after the guide that the poll was delivered in. For more information about this setting, see AI features in Listen.

Manually send poll responses

To manually send individual open-ended poll responses as feedback items to Listen:

  1. Go to Guides from the left-side menu.
  2. Find and open a guide that includes a poll. 
  3. Open the Poll Responses tab.
  4. Check that the Feedback Item column is in the table. If you don't see the Feedback Item column, select the Manage columns icon in the top-right corner of the Responses table, select + Add Column at the bottom of the window, choose Feedback Item from the dropdown menu, and select Save.
  5. In the table of responses, select Send to Listen next to each open response in the Feedback Item column.

This opens a panel on the right side of the screen with a feedback item automatically created based on the poll response. You can then edit this item as you can with any other feedback item. For guidance on editing feedback items, see View and edit feedback details.

Responses that are already sent to Listen give you the option to Open that feedback in Listen instead of Send to Listen.

Automatically send poll responses

Rather than sending individual responses from a poll into Listen, you can automatically create and send feedback items from all incoming responses in a poll. You can choose whether to only send new poll responses as they come in to Listen or to also send existing responses.

If you want to only send existing responses, you can instead follow the instructions for Bulk-import poll responses.

First, create a guide poll. Then, to start automatically sending incoming poll responses to Listen:

  1. In Pendo, go to Guides > Guides, and open the guide that contains the single text poll that you want to import responses from.
  2. In the Settings tab of the guide, select Edit in the top-right corner of the Listen card.
  3. Turn on Forward poll responses to Listen.
  4. Select Save.
  5. If the poll already has one or more responses, you're then prompted to confirm that you want to import the existing responses.
    • Select No thanks if you only want to send new responses.
    • Select Yes, import <x> responses if you want to import existing responses and as well as send new responses to Listen.

This creates a new feedback view, filtered by your guide source.

You can also automatically send poll responses when you set up a bulk-import in Listen. For instructions, see Bulk-import poll responses in this article.

Bulk-import poll responses

You can send all existing guide poll responses to Listen:

  • At the same time as you set up a guide to automatically send incoming poll responses to Listen. For instructions, see Automatically send poll responses in this article.
  • By adding the guide as a feedback source in Listen. You can choose whether to only send existing poll responses or to additionally send all future poll responses as well.

Adding a guide as a feedback source in Listen sends existing poll data to Listen, with the option to send incoming data as well. If you only want to send new responses, you can instead follow the instructions in Automatically send poll responses in this article, where you have the option to choose whether you want to also send existing responses or only send future responses.

To add a guide as a feedback source from Listen:

  1. In Pendo, go to Listen > Feedback and choose Add feedback sources.
  2. Choose Connect a guide poll. This takes you to a list of guides to choose from.
  3. Choose an existing guide that contains the single text poll from the list.
  4. Choose whether you want to also automatically send future responses using the checkbox at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Select Import in the panel that opens on the right side of the screen. This opens an import screen and then an import review where you san see how successful the upload was.
    • Successful imports on the left side shows you what percentage of poll responses were successfully uploaded. If this is 1% or more, you can select View insights to see the data that was successfully imported.
    • Unsuccessful imports on the right side shows you what percentage of your poll responses weren't successfully imported. Select Download error CSV to review errors in your import. The process doesn't import responses that already exist as feedback items in Listen. This means that if you've already manually imported a poll response from the guide itself, the same response isn't imported again here.
  6. Select View insights to see a summary of your feedback.

This creates a new feedback view, filtered by your guide source.



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