Send guide poll responses to Listen

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You can send poll responses in Pendo as feedback items in Listen. This allows you to bring your responses into a centralized location in Listen, along with the rest of the feedback you've captured.


After you've created a guide poll, you can send existing and future poll responses to Listen. If you have more than one poll in a guide, you see all polls from the same guide in one feedback item in Listen.

For single-poll guides, you can also manually send open-ended text poll responses to Listen. 

AI settings for analyzing poll responses

If you plan to automatically send poll responses, we recommend that you turn on Feedback summaries in Listen, which you can find in Settings > Subscription settings. This allows Pendo to automatically create titles based on the response description for each feedback item created.

Turning this setting on ensures that feedback items are automatically named based on the text of the individual responses. You can choose which poll responses to allow AI to analyze as part of the configuration process described in this article.

If this setting is turned off, all responses in a poll that are sent to Listen as feedback items are named after the guide that the poll was delivered in. For more information about this setting, see AI features in Listen.

Send poll responses to Listen

You can do one or both of the following:

  • Send existing poll responses to Listen in bulk.
  • Automatically send incoming poll responses to Listen.

Sending existing and future poll responses to Listen creates a new feedback view, filtered by your guide source.

You can send existing and future poll responses in one of two ways: from the guide itself or from Listen. Either of these two options opens the Settings for configuring the connection to the guide poll.

From the guide itself

To forward guide poll responses from the guide itself:

  1. In Pendo, go to Guides > Guides.
  2. Open the guide that contains the text poll that you want to import responses from.
  3. Open the Settings tab of the guide. This is typically open by default.
  4. In the Listen card near the bottom of the guide's settings page, select Manage settings.
  5. Follow the instructions described in Configure settings for connecting a guide poll in this article.

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From Listen

To add a guide as a feedback source from Listen:

  1. Go to Listen > Feedback sources.
  2. If you already have at least one source connected, select Connect sources in the top-right corner. If you don't already have a source connected, you're automatically taken to the Connect sources page.
  3. Find the Guide polls card and select Connect guide poll. This takes you to a list of guides to choose from.
  4. Choose an existing guide that contains the relevant text poll from the list. The preview on the right side of the screen shows:
    • Sample responses for each poll question in your guide.
    • A count of the total number of responses collected by the guide.
    • Whether the guide is already connected to Listen.

      Connect guide poll.jpg

  5. Select Next: Settings. This opens the Settings page.
  6. Follow the instructions described in Configure settings for connecting a guide poll in this article.

Configure settings for connecting a guide poll

After opening the settings page for connecting the guide poll by following the instructions in Send poll responses to Listen in this article.

  1. Turn on one or both of the following: 
    • Automatically send future responses to Listen. This sends all incoming poll responses to Listen. If you're already forwarding incoming poll responses from this guide to Listen, you can also turn this setting off to stop sending new poll responses.
    • Send historic responses to Listen. This bulk-imports all existing poll responses to Listen. The process doesn't import responses that already exist as feedback items in Listen. This means that if you've already manually imported a poll response from the guide itself, the same response isn't imported again here.

      Choose poll settings.jpg

  2. If choosing to send historic responses to Listen, choose a date range. The date range only appears if you turn on Send historic responses to Listen.

    Date range for guide poll.jpg
  3. Choose your AI settings for each poll in your guide. Choose either Do not analyze or Analyze for each row in the table. A single-poll guide only includes one row in the table. For convenience, you can select Analyze all if there is more than one poll in your guide. 

    Analyze poll responses.jpg

  4. Select Next: Apply and review. If you selected Send historic responses to Listen, this opens an Importing feedback screen with a progress bar at the bottom to inform you of how many items have been processed. You're then presented with an import review showing:
    • The percentage of poll responses that were successfully imported into Listen on the left. 
    • The percentage of poll responses that were unsuccessfully imported into Listen on the right. Select Download error CSV to review errors in your import. Any would-be duplicates appear here.
  5. Select one of the following to continue:
    • Add more sources to add more feedback sources, such as an NPS survey. This is only visible if you added the guide poll responses from the Feedback page in Listen.
    • Open feedback view or Take me to the feedback view to open the automatically created feedback view of poll responses from this guide. This option isn't available if you turn off both settings in step 1 instead of turning one or both of them on.
    • Exit to close the Connect Guide window. 

Manually send individual poll responses

To manually send individual open-ended poll responses as feedback items to Listen:

  1. In Pendo, go to Guides > Guides.
  2. Find and open a guide that includes a poll. 
  3. In the Settings tab, which is open by default, expand the poll question.
  4. In the Feedback Item column in the table of responses, select Send to Listen next to each open response that you want to manually send to Listen.

This opens a panel on the right side of the screen with a feedback item automatically created based on the poll response. You can then edit this item as you can with any other feedback item. For guidance on editing feedback items, see View and edit feedback details.

Responses that are already sent to Listen give you the option to Open that feedback in Listen instead of Send to Listen.

Find poll responses in Listen

After you've sent guide poll responses to Listen, they appear as feedback items in Listen. Feedback items created from NPS responses are given a pink speech bubble icon in the Source column of a feedback view.

The process of sending poll responses to Listen creates a new feedback view that shows only the responses you sent from the guide.

You can also find and add these poll responses in other feedback views:

  1. In Pendo, go to Listen > Feedback views.
  2. Open a feedback view or create a new one. For instructions, see Save custom views of feedback.
  3. In the feedback view, open the Feedback items tab. For information about this tab, see Manage feedback in Listen.
  4. From the filters at the top of the page, open the Sources menu, which is on the right side of the Ideas menu.
  5. Find and select the guide that you're interested in.
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