Add Pendo data to Gainsight Scorecards using Salesforce

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If you use Gainsight to assess your customer health and have the Salesforce integration with Pendo, you can add product usage data in Pendo to your Gainsight Scorecard.

Before continuing, we recommend that you first read Connect Pendo to Gainsight using Salesforce.

Step 1. Identify and tag sticky features

Determine the stickiest features of your application. Stickiness refers to whether visitors come back to the product on a regular basis and engage with it.

For example, if your Customer Success Manager has identified that visitors who uses X are certain to come back the following day, then X is a sticky feature.

After you've determined your sticky features, tag them in Pendo. For instructions, see Tagging and viewing Features.

Step 2. Create account report

After you’ve determined your sticky features and tagged them in Pendo:

  1. Go to People > Accounts > Account Reports.
  2. Select + Create Report.
  3. Create a report called Sticky Features: Salesforce + Gainsight Push Report.
  4. Set the Visibility and Segment to Everyone.
  5. Set the Date Range to Last 30 Days.
  6. Add a column for each of your sticky features.

Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 17.21.18.png

We recommend that you use Number of Days Active as your unit of measure for each feature to best reflect the frequency and consistency with which your visitors use these features. However, you know your application best, so if Clicks or Number of Visitors is more relevant for your business, then choose either of these instead.

Step 3. Push data into Salesforce

Set up a "push" sync using the instructions outlined in Set up the Salesforce integration with Pendo.

For example, if you built the following two fields in your Salesforce instance to contain the information pushed through your Pendo account report built in the previous step, Gainsight requires that data entry for use in a Scorecard include a start date and end date in format MM/DD/YYYY.

  • Sticky Feature 1_Active Days out of 30
  • Sticky Feature 2_Active Days out of 30

Use the following solution for configuring some Salesforce automation to send Gainsight the data that it requires:

Salesforce automation

Create two formula fields where type = date formula in Salesforce on the same object to which you are sending the fields above. One field might be called First Day of Previous Month and the second might be called Last Day of Previous Month.

Then, build formulas for each field that take into account the year switch between December and January dates:

First Day of Previous Month

      MONTH( TODAY() ) = 1 ,
      YEAR( TODAY() ) - 1 ,
      YEAR( TODAY() )
    ) ,
      MONTH( TODAY() ) = 1 ,
      12 ,
      MONTH( TODAY() ) - 1
    ) ,

Last Day of Previous Month

  ) ,
  ) ,
- 1
Lastly, set the Gainsight rule to pull the Sticky Feature #_Active Days out of 30 fields on the first day of the month, using the First Day of Previous Month and the Last Day of Previous Month fields as the date range to load.
Note: Each month is assumed to contain 30 days of data with this configuration. For example, the month of February has only 28 days, but Pendo sends data from January 30 to February 28 because of the "Last 30 days" configuration. If a strict calendar month configuration is required, then a different (less automatic) path must be taken. This requires manually adjusting the time range of the Pendo push report monthly and syncing with Salesforce through the Sync button on the first day of every month.


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