Display Pendo NPS data in Salesforce

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Pendo polls help you to collect feedback from your application visitors. NPS is a type of poll that you can push back into Salesforce. This article provides an example of how you can push NPS responses from Pendo to Salesforce after you Set up the Salesforce integration for Pendo Engage

This article focuses on syncing NPS data at the visitor level, but you can also use this workflow to:

  • At the account level. The account level involves creating a push using an account report instead of a visitor report.
  • With other Pendo polls. If you use another poll, adjust the Salesforce fields to map to your poll responses.


Step 1. Setup your Salesforce fields

Work with your Salesforce admin to create new fields in Salesforce for your NPS survey data. For instructions on how to create new fields in Salesforce, see Set up "push" data syncs in the Set up the Salesforce integration for Pendo Engage article.

Typically, an NPS survey consists of two responses:

NPS Response Salesforce field name Salesforce data type
Numeric score Pendo_NPS Rating Number(5, 2)
Feedback response Pendo_NPS Response Text(255)

You must have “Pendo_” in front of your Salesforce field name. The Pendo Salesforce integration only writes to custom fields in Salesforce that start with “Pendo”.

Step 2. Create a visitor report

In Pendo, navigate to People > Visitors > Visitor Reports and create a new report with the following parameters.

  • Set the visibility to Everyone.
  • Set date range to Yesterday.
  • Create a new custom segment with the condition: responded plus within last plus 2 plus days.

NPS segment.png

Add the NPS poll responses as the columns. Select Poll from the dropdown menu, then add a column for NPS numeric score and another column for the NPS feedback response. For each column, choose Latest Response (within Date Range specified).

Step 3. Set your report to push to Salesforce

In the visitor report you just saved:

  1. Select Set Up in the Salesforce Push row to start mapping your Salesforce fields.

  2. Map the newly created Salesforce fields and save your settings.

    Salesforce Push.png
  3. Select Sync Now in the visitor report to manually push changes into Salesforce for your one time test. After this, your data syncs automatically every 24 hours. Once the sync is complete, review the data in Salesforce.
Note: If you have multiple polls, you must create one report for each poll. If you don’t do this, you might edit over data from another poll and have mismatched data. 

Push poll responses at the account level

This same workflow can be used to sync aggregated NPS scores at the account level to Salesforce by configuring an account report for a Salesforce push. 

Aggregated NPS numerical scores on the account level represent a percentage score for the NPS results across the account ranging from -100 (all detractors) to 100 (all promoters). When exporting the numerical score, Pendo converts the percentage score to a number on a scale of -1 to 1. 

Aggregated NPS responses show the number of test responses received, not the actual comments. To see the NPS comments, use a visitor report instead.

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