Set up the Salesforce integration with Pendo Listen (beta)

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The Salesforce integration with Listen offers additional functionality to the standard Salesforce integration with Pendo, allowing you to:

  • Submit customer feedback from Salesforce to appear in Pendo Listen.
  • See feedback items in Salesforce.

This article provides instructions for setting up the Salesforce integration with Listen. For an overview, including functionality, use cases, how it works, and what the resulting user view in Salesforce is, see Salesforce integration with Pendo Listen.

If you already have the standard Salesforce integration and you’ve also mapped your Pendo accounts to the Salesforce Account object, you can already use the Salesforce integration for some reporting in Listen. For example, in Listen > Validate > Analysis, you can filter your top ideas by value.

The Salesforce integration with Pendo Listen offers additional functionality to this.


  • The Salesforce integration enabled in Settings > Subscription Settings.
  • Admin access to Salesforce, including the ability to add and configure third-party apps, and configure layouts.
  • Admin permissions in Pendo.
  • Authentication with both Pendo and Salesforce.
  • Account IDs that match between Pendo and Salesforce. This is required to connect the two data sources.

We recommend creating a specific Salesforce user for Pendo and other third parties instead of a user record tied to an individual employee. This protects you from having the Salesforce user deactivated if the employee leaves the company. 

Step 1. Set up the connection

This step is the same as for the standard integration between Salesforce and Pendo, except that account mapping is a required part of the process.

If you already have the standard Salesforce integration with Pendo accounts mapped onto the Salesforce Account object, skip to Step 2. Install the Salesforce package.

This step is only about setting up the initial connection, not the data sync. This involves choosing which Salesforce object to connect to and what you want to use as unique identifiers for this connection.

  1. In Pendo, go to Settings > Data Mappings > Account Level Data.
  2. Select Begin and then Setup Mapping in the blue Salesforce box at the bottom of the page.
  3. If prompted, complete the authentication step.
  4. Select the Salesforce account object to connect with the Pendo account object.
  5. Select the fields in Pendo and in Salesforce that you want to use for the unique identifier. These should match one-to-one between the applications.
  6. Select Save to complete the initiation step of the integration.

Step 2. Install the Salesforce package

This step adds a Submit Feedback button and an overview of an account’s feedback items to Salesforce. The Submit Feedback button only works for Pendo users that are signed in. The Submit Feedback button doesn’t do anything until you set up the Salesforce integration with Listen in Pendo (Step 3. Set up the integration in Pendo).

Install the integration package by adding the following package ID to your Salesforce URL: /packagingSetupUI/ For example, the complete URL might look like the following:

This takes you to an Install Listen page. From here, complete the following steps.

  1. Enter Yt62932hs18m as the password.
  2. Select Install for All Users. Users must also be Pendo users and sign in to Pendo to use the Submit Feedback button.
  3. Select the acknowledgement to confirm that you’re installing a non-Salesforce application and then select Install

You're then sent an email either confirming that the install was successful or letting you know that it failed. If the install fails, contact Pendo Support.

Step 3. Set up the integration in Pendo

Sign in to Pendo and go to Settings > Integrations > Beta Integrations. You can also access this page by navigating to Listen > Feedback > Add feedback sources > Connect Salesforce. For more information, see Connect feedback sources. Then:

  1. Find and open the Salesforce Discover integration. This opens a panel on the right side of the screen.
  2. Open the Setup tab.
  3. Enter your Salesforce user credentials.
  4. Select Next and then Finish.

Step 4. Modify the layout in Salesforce

Update the Account Page Layout in Salesforce to add the Submit Feedback button to Salesforce and the overview for accounts. This allows your customer-facing teams to create feedback items directly from Salesforce, without opening Pendo Discover.

  1. In Salesforce, select the gear icon in the top-right corner and then select Setup.
  2. Open the Object Manager tab.
  3. Find and open the Account object from the list.
  4. In the object-management settings in the left-side menu, open Page Layouts.
  5. Select the layout that you want to update.
  6. Follow the following instructions for adding the Submit Feedback button and adding the overview of accounts to the page, below.

Add button in Salesforce Lightning

To add the Submit Feedback button to Salesforce:

  1. Select Mobile & Lightning Actions from the list near the top left of the page.
  2. Find and drag Submit Feedback to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience actions section.

Add overview for accounts in Salesforce Lightning

To add an overview of accounts to Salesforce:

  1. Select Related Lists from the list near the top left of the page.
  2. Find and drag Feedback to the Related Lists section.
  3. Select the spanner icon for the Feedback item you just added to Related Lists to edit it.
  4. In the Columns section, add the fields that you want to display in the related list. The most important fields are: Title, Feedback Summary, and Importance.
  5. Under Buttons > Standard Buttons, remove the New and Change Owner buttons by deselecting the corresponding checkboxes.
  6. Under Buttons > Custom Buttons, add the Submit Feedback button to provide another shortcut for submitting Feedback from Salesforce.
  7. Select OK.
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