Feature heatmap

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The Visual Design Studio includes a heatmap feature designed to highlight levels of user engagement with tagged and suggested Features in your application. It provides a color-organized view of Features that have been tagged or that are suggested. The "hotter" the feature (closer to red), the more it's used by your visitors.

Note: The heatmap functionality isn't currently available for mobile customers.


Use the heatmap in the Visual Design Studio to visualize user interaction with tagged Features and identify UI elements for tagging based on engagement levels.

The heatmap highlights both tagged and suggested Features on a gradient scale from blue (fewer clicks) to red (more clicks) over the last 36 hours. The exact values are relative to overall app usage, meaning "few" and "many" clicks are determined by the distribution of interactions in your application. Tagged Features appear with a solid-lined box, while suggested Features appear with a dashed box.


Open the heatmap

To view and use the heatmap:

  1. Go to Product > Features from the left-side menu.
  2. Select Tag Features in the top-right corner of the page.


  3. Enter the URL of a page containing UI elements you're interested in seeing or tagging as Features, and choose a tagging mode (side-by-side or overlay).
  4. Select Launch Designer.
  5. Select Heatmap at the bottom of the modal.


  6. Expand the heatmap settings using the plus (+) icon located to the right of the heatmap toggle. This expanded section contains a color legend and the option to choose a segment.
  7. Optionally, choose a segment from the Segment dropdown menu. You must be using Pendo agent version 2.35.0 or higher to use the segment filter. The default is Everyone.

View Feature analytics

Because suggested Features haven't been tagged or processed yet, you can only see full analytics for tagged Features, which includes data from all environments that Pendo is installed on. To see suggested Features in reports, you must first accept (tag) them. For more information, see Suggested Features.

Select one of the highlighted tagged Features to view details about it in the Visual Design Studio. The Feature Details window in the Visual Design Studio shows you:

  • The title of the tagged Feature.
  • The application the Feature is tagged in.
  • The assigned Product Area for the Feature.
  • The location (whether it's tagged on a specific Page or sitewide).
  • The rules associated with the Feature tag.
  • The users who created and last updated the Feature tag.
  • Metrics from the last 30 days based on the selected segment, including:
    • Total Clicks on Feature. The total number of clicks on the Feature over the last 30 days, including repeat clicks from the same visitors.
    • Percentile. The click percentile of this Feature compared to other tagged Features in your app, based on heatmap data from the last 30 days.
    • Unique Visitor Clicks. The total number of unique visitors who clicked on the Feature over the last 30 days.
    • % of Visitors. The percentage of unique visitors from the total visitor count in the app who clicked on the Feature over the last 30 days, calculated as: (Number of visitors who clicked / Total visitors in app) * 100.
    • Accounts. The total number of unique accounts that clicked on the Feature over the last 30 days.
    • % of Accounts. The percentage of unique accounts from the total account count in the app that clicked on the Feature over the last 30 days, calculated as: (Number of accounts that clicked / Total accounts in app) * 100.

You can modify this data based on segment using the dropdown menu above the heatmap bar at the bottom of the Visual Design Studio.

When you're done, select Back to Feature List in the top-left corner of the Visual Design Studio.

Edit tagged Features

You can edit tagged features without leaving the Visual Design Studio. With the heatmap turned on, select one of the heatmap items bounded with a solid line in your application's UI. This opens the Feature Details window in the Visual Design Studio. Select Edit Feature in the bottom-right corner. From here, you can:

  • Edit the Feature name.
  • Add or edit the description for the Feature.
  • Change the assigned Product Area.
  • Choose a new location (sitewide or this Page only).
  • Re-target the Feature using the Feature Element Matching tool.
  • View the estimated number of Feature clicks in the next 12, 24, or 36 hours. This estimate is based on a sample of your event data and isn't as accurate as the processed data you see in Pendo.
  • Edit the Event Properties and Settings.

Select Save Changes and then < Back to Feature List when you're done.

If the heatmap is turned off, you can also edit a Feature by selecting the Feature name from the list of Features in the Visual Design Studio.

Tag suggested Features

For suggested Features, select a heatmap item bounded by a dashed line to highlight it in the suggested Features list. Select Tag next to the chosen suggested Feature to edit and accept it. Alternatively, delete it from the suggested Features list. For more information, see Suggested Features.

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