Features in Pendo are UI elements in your application that you've labeled or “tagged” based on specific rules. These rules define the HTML and CSS attributes of the elements that Pendo uses to identify and track these elements. This tagging process allows you to track user interactions and uncover usage patterns. For instructions on how to tag Features and manage them within the Visual Design Studio, see Feature tagging and Advanced Feature tagging.
After you've tagged Features in your application using Pendo's Visual Design Studio, you can manage and analyze them in Product > Features. This article describes how to view, edit, and manage these Features within the Pendo UI.
View tagged Features
To view your subscription’s list of tagged Features, go to Product > Features in the left-side menu. This opens the Overview tab on the Features page. For information on the Alerts tab, which is only available for mobile apps, see Mobile Page and Feature alerts.
Filters and a search function are provided above the list of Features to modify the table.
You can filter your Features by the following:
Filter | Description |
Segment |
The default is Everyone. Use the dropdown to select an existing segment or + Create New Segment at the bottom of the menu to create a new one. |
Date range | Use the dropdown menu to choose from predefined values, or choose a Custom Range for a specific time period. |
Accounts | Use the dropdown menu to view your Features by specific accounts or all accounts. |
Apps | Use the dropdown menu to view your Features by specific applications or all applications in your subscription. |
Type |
Use the dropdown menu to filter your Features based on whether the tag was created:
If you're no longer using a pre-tagged Feature, it can instead be labeled as Inactive. This filter option doesn't display if you only have one type of Feature in the table. |
Star icon | Use the star icon next to the dropdown filters to only show Features that you've favorited. |
Search | Search the table by Feature name, description, or rules. |
Product Areas | Use the dropdown menu below the main filters to filter your Features by specific Product Areas. |
Like most pages in Pendo, when you apply filters, they remain active as you navigate through the platform. For example, if you filter Features by a single app and then go to Product > Pages, only Pages belonging to that app display until you change the app filter.
The Features table lists your tagged Features. In this table, you can view all tagged Features and the following information about these Features (depending on the columns you choose to include in the table):
- Name. The title given to the Feature. You can edit this in the Visual Design Studio or the Feature's details page.
- Description. Additional information about the Feature. You can edit this in the Visual Design Studio or from the Feature's details page.
- Core Event. If the Feature has been selected as a Core Event, the label "Core" displays here. For more information about Core Events, see Set up Core Events.
- App. The application that the Feature is assigned to. You can't edit this.
- Product Area. The Product Area that the Feature is assigned to, or “No Product Area” if none was assigned. You can edit this in the Visual Design Studio or the Feature's details page.
- Page. The Page tag assigned to the Feature, or "All Pages" if the Feature is sitewide.
- Rules. The rules behind the Feature tag. You can edit this in the Visual Design Studio or the Feature's details page.
- Number of clicks. The total number of times this Feature was interacted with by all visitors within the segment and date range specified by the filters at the top of the page.
- Number of visitors. The number of unique visitors who have interacted with the Feature within the segment and date range specified by the filters at the top of the page.
- Number of accounts. The number of unique accounts that have interacted with the Feature within the segment and date range specified at the top of the page. For example, if two visitors from a single account interact with the Feature, the total number of accounts would be 1.
- Number of event properties set up. The number of click event properties set up for this Feature (the maximum is five). For more information, see Click event properties.
- Created time. The date and time that the Feature was originally tagged.
- Created by. The Pendo user who originally tagged the Feature.
- Last updated time. The date and time the Feature rules were last updated. Any modification to the Feature rules revises the last updated time.
- Last updated by. The Pendo user who last updated the Feature.
- % of Feature clicks. The percentage of visitors within the segment and date range specified by the filters at the top of the page who interacted with the Feature.
- Average % of daily Feature clicks. The average percentage of visitors within the segment and date range specified by the filters at the top of the page who interact with the Feature daily.
- Feature ID. The unique identification value for a specific Feature, useful for API, Data Sync, and bulk update or delete requests.
- Type. How the Feature tag was created. Custom refers to tags that you and your team have created, Automatic refers to tags that were automatically created by Pendo based on custom HTML attributes, Inherited refers to tags that were pre-defined by the application (extension apps, like Salesforce), and Inactive refers to inherited (pre-defined) tags that are no longer capturing data but can still be used for guides.
To customize your columns, select the Manage columns icon in the top-right corner of the table. In the modal that opens, you can add, remove, and reorder columns in the table.
Tip: Add the Page column to your table view to see if the Features you’ve tagged are Page-specific without having to open the details of each tagged Feature. Additionally, reordering the columns and moving important information, such as Feature clicks, to the beginning of the table can help reduce scrolling.
To download a comma-separated values (CSV) file of the data in your table of Features, select the Download CSV icon in the top-right corner of the table. This automatically downloads a CSV file of your Features.
Note: You can also view tagged Features in the Visual Design Studio heatmap while tagging a Feature. For information on this method, see Feature heatmap.
Manage tagged Features
Go to Product > Features and select a Feature to open its details.
Feature identifiers
The Feature’s name, app, Product Area, and description display in the top-left of the page. You can:
- Select the Feature name to modify the name.
- Assign a new Product Area by selecting the dropdown arrow next to the Product Area name.
- Add a description or update an existing description by selecting the text that appears below the app and Product Area. The description must be 280 characters or less.
In the top-right corner of the page, you can:
- Delete the Feature by selecting the Delete Feature icon. You can also delete a Feature by hovering over the row of the Feature you want to delete in Product > Features and selecting the Delete icon at the end of the row.
- Duplicate the Feature by selecting the Clone Page icon.
- Favorite the Feature by selecting the star icon. You can also favorite it by selecting the star icon in the Features list in Product > Features.
- Watch visitors interacting with this Feature by selecting Watch replays. This is only available if your plan includes Session Replay.
- Create an ongoing or time-bound usage goal by selecting Create goal. For more information, see Event goals.
Select the Details component to minimize and expand this section. In this section, you can view and edit the following:
- Page Info. View or update the Page tag assigned to the Feature. You can also select go to page to open the Page's details.
- Rule. Edit or delete the CSS targeting rules used to identify the Feature in your application.
- Ignore Frustration. Mark rage clicks, error clicks, and dead clicks for this Feature as expected behavior. This excludes these interactions from being flagged as frustrations in all current and future replays and Data Explorer reports. This option is only available if your plan includes Session Replay.
- Created By. View the name of the Pendo user who created the Feature and the date it was created.
- Last Updated By. View the name of the Pendo user who last updated the Feature and the date it was updated.
Below the filters and details, the Key metrics section reviews the following based on your selected segment, date range, and account filters at the top of the page:
- Unique visitors. Total number of visitors who interacted with the Feature in the specified date range.
- Unique accounts. Total number of accounts that had at least one visitor interact with the Feature in the specified date range.
- Feature clicks. Total number of times the Feature was clicked in the specified date range.
Visitor acquisition. Total number of new visitors who clicked this Feature. This is only available if your plan includes Pendo Analytics.
Account acquisition. Total number of new accounts that clicked this Feature. This is only available if your plan includes Pendo Analytics. - Visitor adoption. Percentage of visitors who interacted with the Feature, calculated by dividing the total number of these visitors by the total number of active visitors in the app. This is only available if your plan includes Pendo Analytics.
- Account adoption. Percentage of accounts that had at least one visitor interact with the Feature, calculated by dividing the total number of these accounts by the total number of active accounts in the app. This is only available if your plan includes Pendo Analytics.
Area chart
Below these metrics, an area chart displays all Feature clicks over the selected date range. Use the dropdown arrows in the chart title to modify the date range and data displayed.
In the first dropdown menu, select the frequency: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. These options vary depending on the date range selected at the top of the page. In the second dropdown menu, choose one of the following options:
- Feature clicks. Total number of times the Feature was clicked within the selected date range.
- Accounts. Total unique accounts with at least one visitor who interacted with the Feature within the selected date range.
- Account adoption. Percentage of unique accounts that interacted with the Feature, calculated by dividing the total number of these accounts by the total number of active accounts in the app. This is only available if your plan includes Pendo Analytics.
- Account acquisition. Total unique accounts that interacted with the Feature for the first time ever. This is only available if your plan includes Pendo Analytics.
- All account retention. Percentage of accounts that interacted with the Feature in the current time period and returned to the Feature in the next time period. The time period depends on the frequency in the first dropdown selection.
- New account retention. Percentage of accounts that interacted with the Feature for the first time in the current time period and returned to the Feature in the next time period. The time period depends on the frequency in the first dropdown selection.
- Visitors. Total unique visitors who interacted with the Feature within the selected date range.
- Visitor adoption. Percentage of visitors who interacted with the Feature, calculated by dividing the total number of these visitors by the total number of active visitors in the app. This is only available if your plan includes Pendo Analytics.
- Visitor acquisition. Total unique visitors who interacted with the Feature for the first time ever. This is only available if your plan includes Pendo Analytics.
- All visitor retention. Percentage of visitors that interacted with the Feature in the current time period and returned to the Feature in the next time period. The time period depends on the frequency in the first dropdown selection.
- New visitor retention. Percentage of visitors that interacted with the Feature for the first time in the current time period and returned to the Feature in the next time period. The time period depends on the frequency in the first dropdown selection.
After selecting the data from the second dropdown menu, hover over a data point in the chart to view the associated data and trending information based on the previous datapoint. If the trending information is "N/A", this indicates that the previous value was zero.
At the top-right corner of the area chart, you have two actions:
- Create goal. Set an ongoing or time-bound usage goal to measure adoption of this Feature. For more information, see Event goals.
- View in Data Explorer. Generate a pre-filled Data Explorer report to analyze the chart data. With this report, you can compare segments and date ranges, apply advanced filters, drill into visitor and account details, customize visuals, and save the report to a dashboard for ongoing insights.
Top visitors and accounts
You can also view the Top visitors and Top accounts who interacted with the Feature in the tables below the area chart. Select View all visitors or View all accounts at the top of these sections to view a report that lists all associated visitors or accounts, which you can then export to a CSV file.
Associated guides
Below the top visitors and accounts is a section for Guides targeting this Feature, which only populates if your plan includes Pendo Guides.
This section shows all guides that have at least one step that’s anchored to this Feature using the Select Existing Feature option when editing a guide’s location.
Event breakdown
At the bottom of the page, the Event breakdown table lists each unique combination of event properties associated with the visitors who interacted with the Feature. This means that if the same event properties are sent by the same visitor 10 times, only one row of data populates with a Total Clicks count of 10. The quantity specified next to the table header represents the total number of unique event property combinations, rather than the total number of Feature clicks.
This breakdown table contains up to 5,000 rows, and you can export the full dataset to CSV by selecting the Download CSV icon.
You can modify the table columns by using the Manage columns icon located in the top-right corner of the table.
Note: In addition to viewing a Feature’s details page through Product > Features, you can also view tagged Feature details when choosing a Feature from the list in the Visual Design Studio when it launches. For information on this method, see Feature tagging.