Connect a mobile device

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You need to connect a mobile device to verify SDK installation, capture mobile Pages or Features to tag, and test your guides live on a mobile device before publishing them. Pendo allows you to connect your Android & iOS device or simulator to Pendo through a pairing process.

Connect a device

There are two ways to connect a new device. You can scan the QR code with the device's camera or with a dedicated QR scanner application on your device.


Alternatively, if you’re using a dedicated testing device or a simulator, you can copy the URL into a browser to connect the device. When you open this pairing deep link on your device in a browser, you receive a prompt to open this page in your app.


After the device is connected, a small Pendo icon appears hovering over your app, indicating that it's in tagging mode. You can move the camera icon around by dragging and dropping it.

While your device is connected to Pendo, you can view the step design and test the full guide with the selected activation method to see guides before they're published, regardless of the guide’s segment or throttling. You can also capture pages to tag Pages and Features.

The button changes according to the task you're performing:

Button Task
pendo_chevron.png Pairing mode (connected, validation, debugging).  Device is connection to Pendo. When paired, the floating action button displays a chevron.

Capture mode. When tagging pages, the floating action button displays a camera icon.

Tapping the camera icon initiates a 3-second countdown and grabs a snapshot of the page structure and features.


Guide testing mode. When paired to test a guide live on a device, the floating action button switches to an eye.

Navigate to the Page where your guide is and activate it via the activation options you configured to view and test your guide. 

Once connected, your device stays connected to Pendo until you disconnect it. If you close and open the app on your device, it immediately re-connects.

Disconnect from Pendo

To disconnect from Pendo, select the Pendo pink icon and select Exit Pairing Mode. You must re-scan the QR code on your device the next time you want to connect your device.

Troubleshoot connecting a device

The app doesn't launch after scanning the QR code

If the application doesn't launch after scanning the QR code, check with the application developer to ensure that the URL scheme is correct. Alternatively, check with your network admin that WebSockets aren't blocked.

If the application launched, but you don’t see the Pendo pink icon, verify with the app developer that the app version installed on your device has the Pendo SDK integrated.

Browser displays an error message

The error message states that the browser can't open the page because the address is invalid.

Possible causes are:

  • Scheme ID hasn't been added or is incorrect
  • DNS is restricting the site and it must be added to the allowlist
  • SDK isn't installed correctly

The app launched, but the floating action button isn't displaying

Pendo recommends that the engineer review the installation instructions to ensure that setup() is being called correctly.



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