Add mobile apps

Last updated:

This article details how to add a mobile app. After you add an app, the developer installs the Pendo mobile SDK, taking into account which framework is required for the app and whether it's a low-code framework or Track Event-only framework.

For more information, see Supported Frameworks and Low-code Track Events.

Add a mobile app

  1. Navigate to Settings > Subscription Settings.

  2. Open the Applications tab.

  3. Select Add App in the top-right corner of the screen.

  4. Enter a name for the app.
  5. Select Mobile and then select Create App.

  6. In the Install Settings tab of the new app, select View Installation Guide

    The installation instructions open in Github for the developer to start the installation process.
  7. In Github, the developer needs to select the required framework and follow the step-by-step SDK installation instructions. When the app is successfully installed, it shows as Integrated in Subscription Settings.

You are now ready to:

Known limitations 

  • You might not be able to tag some controls in your app, or they might not collect analytics. Mobile technologies keep advancing and we're working to keep up. Let us know if you don't manage to tag something by contacting Pendo Support.
  • When two Pages have the exact same structure, you must select an additional label to distinguish between the Pages. For more information, see Why do different Pages or Features have the same analytics data?
  • Our default Page and Feature rules, which are critical to getting the correct analytics, sometimes require refinement to match your specific app. Make sure you understand your options for Page and Feature tagging.
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