Portfolio overview

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If you're using Pendo to understand your employee behavior, all Pendo users in your subscription have access to Portfolio in the left-side menu.

Navigate to Portfolio > Portfolio Overview to see a holistic overview of the apps in your company's portfolio. Use this page to understand where users spend their time across these apps and how their usage changes over time.

Your employees might use a particular app much more or much less than expected, drop off after initial high uptake, or be slow to start using it. You can use this insight to inform whether your employees might need training for a particular app or to determine what apps you could potentially stop paying for.

Apply filters

Use the four filters at the top of the page to update the data on this page. The first three filters, on the left side, are also global filters, which means that they change the data you see across Pendo. You can update these filters at any time.



The first dropdown menu allows you to segment the data. You can use existing segments or create a custom segment, such as a segment for certain functions or departments in your organization.

Date range

The second dropdown menu allows you to specify a date range. The Last X days options include all complete days. This means data from today is excluded since today is only a partial day.


The third dropdown menu allows you to select one or more apps. Each app is represented by its own column in the bar chart, unless you use Pivot Data to group the data by visitor metadata.

Select the checkboxes next to the apps you want to view data for. You can search for apps using the search box at the top of the dropdown menu. Selected apps appear at the top of the dropdown list to make them easy to find and deselect as needed.

View by

The dropdown menu in the top-right corner of the page is set to View by Total by default and allows you to view all of your data within the segment, data range, and apps specified at the top of the page. Select a different value from the dropdown value to further filter the data on this page by visitor metadata.

Interpret the bar chart

By default, the bar chart is set to view Average Daily Time on Application (minutes), which shows you the average amount of time visitors are spending in each of your apps on a daily basis.


If you have more groups than can fit on the page, you can scroll through them in the chart using a trackpad.

Understand the axes

Your selected apps are graphed on the X-axis as the independent variables. You can change the independent variables graphed on the X-axis to the visitor metadata selected in the View by field by selecting Pivot Data.


When you select Pivot Data, this modifies what the bars on the X-axis represent, from apps broken up by the values of the metadata field selected in the View by field, to the values of the selected metadata field broken up by app.

For example, if you select View by Country as the metadata filter and then select Pivot Data, the bars on the X-axis would represent each of the collected countries.

The dependent variable is graphed on the Y-axis. Use the dropdown menu in the top-left of the bar chart to choose between the following:

  • Average Daily Time on Application (minutes), which refers to the total minutes across all employees divided by the total number of employees.
  • Time Spent on App (minutes), which refers to the total minutes across all employees.
  • Visitors, which refers to the total number of employees.


Sort the data

You can also sort the X-axis using the dropdown menu in the top-right of the bar chart:

  • Alphabetical A → Z
  • Alphabetical Z → A
  • Most → Least Active
  • Least → Most Active


Most and least active are determined by the chosen variable for the Y-axis in the top-left of the chart, with those spending more time or with a higher visitor count considered more active.

View details

Hover over a bar to view the average daily time spent on the app, the total time spent in the app, or the total number of visitors (depending on what you've selected for the chart to show).

You can also select a bar in the chart to either:

  • Drill Down into the time each group spends in each app. This option is only available if you've selected a View by value.
  • View App Usage, which takes you to the Application Usage tab with the application selected so that you can further inspect employee activity in that app. For more information about this tab, see Application usage.


Interpret the breakdown table

The breakdown table below the bar chart reflects the data presented in the bar chart and provides more information about how specific groups are using your apps on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.


Use the dropdown menus at the top of the table to choose between:

  • Daily, Weekly, or Monthly usage. The options depend on your date range filter, and this selection changes the date range columns in the table.
  • Time Spent on Application (minutes) or Visitors. This changes what the totals represent in the table.

The breakdown table results also differ depending on what you've chosen to be on the X-axis using the Pivot Data button. If you've chosen to add the View by metadata values to the X-axis, the table is grouped by the different metadata values. If you've chosen to keep the different apps as the X-axis values, the table is grouped by app instead.

The Group column displays all data included in the bar chart. Select the plus icon (+) to the left of the group or app in the table for a more detailed view.


You can download the data in this table using the Download CSV icon in the top-right of the table.

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