If you're using Pendo to understand your employee behavior, all Pendo users in your subscription have access to Portfolio in the left-side menu.
Navigate to Portfolio > Application Usage to see a holistic overview of your visitor activity for a specific app or across all apps. Each section gives you a particular insight into the behavior of your employees while using your apps.
Apply filters
Use the three filters at the top of the page to update the data on this page. These are global filters, which means that they change the data you see across Pendo. You can update these filters at any time.
The first dropdown menu allows you to segment the data. You can use existing segments or create a custom segment, such as a segment for certain functions or departments in your organization.
Date range
The second dropdown menu allows you to specify a date range. The Last X days options include all complete days. This means data from today is excluded since today is only a partial day.
The third dropdown menu allows you to select one or more apps. Select the checkboxes next to the apps you want to view data for. You can search for apps using the search box at the top of the dropdown menu. Selected apps appear at the top of the dropdown list to make them easy to find and deselect as needed.
View top Pages and Features
The Top Pages and Top Features sections show you which tagged Pages and Features have the most usage. Number of Views represents the total number of Page views within the selected segment and date range, while Number of Clicks indicates the total number of Feature clicks within the same segment and date range.
If you want to see more analytics about your top Pages or Features, select View All Pages or View All Features in the top right of the relevant section. This directs you to the Pages Overview or Features Overview page, where you can find more in-depth analytics for each of your tagged Pages and Features.
View visitors over time
This Visitors Over Time Over All Apps chart displays how many visitors accessed your applications based on the filters you've specified at the top of the page. This visualization is meant to give you a snapshot of your visitors' activity.
The X-axis of the graph changes based on your date range. For example, if the range is set to Yesterday, the X-axis of the graph displays hourly increments; if the range is set to Last 90 Days, the X-axis displays weekly increments.
You can hover over each data point in the graph to view additional information.
View event usage over time
The Page & Feature Usage Over Time section provides a visual comparison of Features and Pages over time. Each Page and Feature included in the visualization is represented by a different color. You can add and remove Pages and Features using the + Manage Pages and + Manage Features buttons in the top-right of the visualization. If there are no Pages or Features in the visualization, these buttons instead read + Add Pages or + Add Features respectively.
You can change the time-based increments across the X-axis. Depending on your date range selection, you can choose between Daily, Weekly, and Monthly from the dropdown menu in the table header. You can also change what metric the visualization shows. Choose between Views/Clicks and Visitors from the dropdown menu next to the time-based increments.
View event usage by visitor
Based on the Pages and Features you've tagged in your app, the Page Use by Visitor and Feature Use by Visitor visualizations shows you the number of visitors per Page or Feature (X-axis) and the average number of views each Page received or average number of clicks each Feature received (Y-Axis).
When you hover over a dot on the graph, it displays the number of visitors and average number of views or clicks per visitor. You can add or remove Pages or Features for a specific app in each graph by selecting the app names in the graph legend. Apps that are toggled off are grayed out on the X-axis.
View visitors
The Visitors section lists all the users that have visited an application. It shows you how many days each user has been active and how many events they've interacted with. You can sort this list alphabetically by Visitor ID.
If you want to rearrange the columns or add other columns to the table, select the Manage columns icon () in the top-right of the section. Your column options include your metadata fields to help you identify and analyze who a visitor is, where they're located, and so on. Potential metadata fields you can add include email, language, and department.
If you want to download an Excel spreadsheet of the data in the Visitors section, select the Download CSV icon () in the top-right of the section.