Jira integration with Pendo

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This article is an overview of the Jira integration with Pendo, how it works, and what the user experience is for Jira and Pendo users. For information about how to set up the integration, see Set up the Jira integration with Pendo.

You can set up the integration with one Jira instance for each Pendo subscription.

Listen functionality

The Jira integration with Listen allows you to deliver requirements to engineering teams in Jira that you can also keep track of in Pendo. This helps to unify the feedback and prioritization process in Listen with the development process in Jira. Specifically, the integration allows you to:

  • Create and link new Jira Stories from an idea in Listen.
  • Search for and link existing Jira Stories to an idea in Listen.
  • From an idea in Listen, see the high-level details of Jira issues that are linked to the idea.
  • Open linked Jira issues from an idea.
  • From an issue in Jira, see links to ideas in Listen.
  • Open linked ideas in Pendo from a Jira issue.

For instructions, see Link Jira issues to ideas.

Session Replay functionality

The Jira integration with Session Replay allows you to deliver bug reports to engineering teams in Jira that you can also keep track of in Pendo. Issue fields are automatically populated with information from the replay. Specifically, the integration allows you to:

  • Create a Jira issue based on a specified part of a replay.
  • Open a linked Jira issue from the replay in Session Replay.
  • Open the relevant replay clip from the issue in Jira.

For instructions, see Create an issue from a replay.

Supported configurations

Jira offers multiple options for configuration. The following table summarizes which types of implementation are supported for this integration. 

Deployment types

Fully supported

Server (data) center Not supported
Project types
Team-managed, including Product Discovery

Fully supported

Company-managed Fully supported 
Issue types
Standard (Task, Bug, Story, Epic)

Fully supported

Custom types Mostly supported




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