Migrated functionality in Listen

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This article summarizes the data functionality that is and isn't migrated from classic Feedback to Pendo Listen.

It also summarizes the data created through integrations, which you must set up separately for Pendo Listen, and how you can distinguish data created through Listen integrations from data created through classic Feedback integrations.


The following are preserved along with the migration of feature requests, regardless of whether they appear as feedback items or as ideas in Listen:

  • User information. Information about who the use is and when they submitted the feature request is moved to the feedback item or idea in Pendo Listen.
  • Attachments. PNG and JPG files attached to feature requests are migrated to feedback items or ideas in Pendo Listen.
  • Tags. Tags given to feature requests appear as labels associated with your feedback items or ideas in Pendo Listen.
  • Product Areas. Product Areas assigned to feature requests are assigned to your feedback items or ideas in Pendo Listen.
  • The content supplied on the feedback form. The custom questions you included in the form and responses to these questions provided by your visitors. Informational text blocks aren't included. This is to avoid migrated content having repetitive, unnecessary information.

The following are migrated but don't yet appear in Pendo Listen:

  • Comments. Comments on feature requests are preserved on the backend but aren't currently visible in Pendo Listen. We plan on making comments visible in the future, starting with internal comments.
  • Request assignee. Assignees for feature requests are preserved on the backend but aren't currently visible in Pendo Listen. We plan on making assignees visible in the future. You can also add a tag in classic Feedback for assignees, for example, "Assignee: John". Tags are then added as labels in Pendo Listen.
  • Multiple votes on feature requests. Listen doesn't add votes to individual feedback items. Instead, feedback items are added as votes to ideas that you curate and manage in Listen. If you migrate feature requests that have multiple votes to feedback items in Pendo Listen, the votes are migrated but don't appear on those feedback items. Votes only become visible when a feedback item with multiple votes is linked to an idea. We plan on making multiple votes on a migrated feedback item visible in the future, but only for data migrated from classic Feedback.

Not migrated

The following aren't migrated:

  • Feedback Roadmaps. Listen has its own roadmapping functionality that allows you to choose between different roadmap templates, create and nest features within initiatives, and add ideas to your roadmap. For more information, see Roadmaps in Listen.
  • Feedback portal. Rather than showing every feedback item to your visitors, Listen allows you to curate ideas based on this feedback. You can then share and validate these ideas through an ideas portal that you can customize to suit your business vision and strategy. For more information, see Engage users through an ideas portal.
  • Request priority. Feedback is migrated with a default assigned importance level of "nice to have". If feedback was snoozed in classic Feedback, it's instead assigned an importance level of "not interested".
  • Status messages. We plan on building functionality in Listen that allows you to send updates to your visitors.
  • Prospects or opportunities. We plan on building similar functionality in Listen.
  • Feedback integrations. Any integrations that you've set up with classic Feedback aren't preserved when you migrate to Pendo Listen. You must set up integrations separately for Pendo Listen. For more information, see Integrations in this article.


The data from some of your integrations with classic Feedback are preserved, but not the integrations themselves. We've built the following equivalent integrations, which you must set up separately for Pendo Listen.


The Jira integration with Listen allows you to link Jira tickets to ideas in Listen. Links between Jira tickets and feature requests in classic Feedback aren’t migrated over to Listen. For more information about this integration, see Jira integration with Pendo Listen.


The Salesforce integration with Listen allows you to submit feedback items to Listen from Salesforce on behalf of visitors. This is similar to the functionality of the Salesforce integration with classic Feedback, which allowed you to submit feature requests to classic Feedback from Salesforce on behalf of accounts. The visitor who made the request was added to the request as a vote rather than the creator. The creators of these feature requests were displayed as Salesforce in classic Feedback (rather than the visitor who relayed the request to the Salesforce user). 

After you migrate to Listen, the creator of any feature requests that were created through the Salesforce integration with classic Feedback is displayed as System user (instead of Salesforce) in Listen. For more information about this integration, see Salesforce integration with Pendo Listen.

Zendesk (coming)

The Zendesk integration with Listen allows you to submit feedback items to Listen from Zendesk on behalf of visitors. This is similar to the functionality of the Zendesk integration with classic Feedback, which allowed you to submit feature requests to classic Feedback from Zendesk on behalf of visitors, and to associate the Zendesk ticket and submitter to the request in classic Feedback. The visitor who made the request was added to the request as a vote rather than the creator. The creator of these feature requests were displayed as Zendesk in classic Feedback (rather than the visitors who relayed the request to the Salesforce users). 

After you migrate to Listen, the creator of any feature requests that were created through the Zendesk integration with classic Feedback is displayed as System user (instead of Zendesk) in Listen. If the visitor for any requests created through the Zendesk integration with classic Feedback exists in Pendo when you migrate to Listen, their votes are added to the feedback item.

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