Tagging in Feedback

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Tags are an internal tool for your Feedback team members, who can use them to add keywords and labels to requests. Your visitors can't see them.

Tagging requests helps you to group your data, and offers a flexible way of tracking ideas and segmenting your reports so that you can analyze product demand at a granular level.

A tag can be anything: a team, an initiative, a theme, data, and so on. You can add tags to requests, users (team users, visitors, and prospects), and accounts based on your strategic goals. You could, for example, see the most popular requests by Enterprise customers who are based in Europe.

Note: Creating new tags is restricted to users who have the correct permissions. For more information, see Manage Team: Roles and Permissions in Feedback.

Tags versus Product Areas

Tags are used for grouping requests by categories, which may or may not be tangible. They are process-oriented and highly flexible; they can be as specific or broad as your organization needs them to be. Tags are only ever visible to your internal team members. 

Product Areas are specific, tangible locations that represent core areas of your app. They are product-focused and allow users (visitors and team members) to filter requests by what part of the application they relate to. Your visitors and teams members select which App and Product Area their request relates to at the point of submission. You can choose whether your visitors see your Product Areas in Product Settings.

Best practices

We recommend that you use Product Areas for top-level segmentation of your requests, and then apply tags for a more granular and flexible view of your Feedback data. Use broad names for your Feedback Product Areas that correspond with key, high-level locations in your app. Reserve tags for additional, custom data.

For optimal data management and efficiency, we recommend the following process:

  1. In the Pendo install script, set up auto-tagging for key visitor and account metadata. For more information about the Pendo snippet, see the Developer's guide to implementing Pendo using the install script and the Configure in Feedback.

  2. In Product Settings, set up Product Areas that match major tangible areas of your product and broadly map onto those in Pendo Engage. For more detailed information on Product Areas, see the Product Areas Overview.

  3. Manually tag requests, team users, visitors, and accounts to track ideas and segment data at a granular level. You don't need to tag every individual request you receive. Focus on groups of requests, users (team users and visitors), and accounts, especially if you receive a high volume of requests.

We also recommend that you also make use of tag categories, especially if you use a lot of tags. Grouping tags into categories makes them easier to find.

Manual tagging

This section shows you how to manually add tags to requests, team users, visitors, and accounts.

Add tags to requests

Request tags are a flexible way to track groups of requests, segment your reports, and analyze demand at a granular level. You can add as many tags to a request as you like. You can add tags to an individual request or multiple requests at the same time. You can also import tags in a CSV file.

Request tags are managed in the Browse page and directly in each request. You can also use the Reports page to compare combinations of tags.

Add tags to individual requests

Rather than trying to tag every piece of feedback you receive, we recommend that you start small and add tags as you find knowledge gaps in your feedback database.

To add tags to an individual request:

1. Open the request and select the edit icon.


2. In the Tags field, enter your tag name. Existing tags auto-populate the field as you type.


3. Select Save Changes at the bottom of the page when you're done.

Add tags to multiple requests

You can bulk-add tags to requests. To add tags to multiple requests at the same time:

1. Navigate to the Browse page, which can be accessed from the left-side navigation.

2. Select the requests that you want to add a tag to.

3. Choose Add Tags from the Actions dropdown menu at the top of the table.


4. Select the plus (+) icon to start adding tags.

Choose an existing tag or tags by selecting the checkboxes next to the suggestions, or start typing to enter a new one. 


If creating a new tag, select Create Tag and repeat until you've added all the tags you want to add.


5. Select Save Changes when you're done.

For more information on bulk editing requests, see Manage requests in the Browse page.

Import tags

You can also import tags from a CSV file. For information on how to set the tags field and import tags in bulk, see Import historical data into Feedback.

Add tags to team users

Tagging team users allows you to filter your data in reports, and to group team members based on their various attributes, such as role, department, or region.

You can only tag a team member's profile after you've invited them to Pendo Feedback.

To find the team user you want to add tags to, you can either use the search bar at the top of Pendo Feedback, or navigate to Settings > Product Settings > Manage Team. Then, add any tags you want to add to the team user in the Tags field and select Save Changes to continue.

Add tags to Visitors

Visitor tags are managed in Visitor pages and the Reports page.

This section describes how to manually add tags to visitors. You can also tag visitors automatically from the Pendo snippet. For more information, see the Auto-tagging section in this article.

Tagging visitors allows you to segment your reporting based on insights that are most valuable for your business. For example, you might be interested in personas, job roles, or access levels.

To find a visitors you want to manually add a tag to, you can either use the search bar at the top of Pendo Feedback, or navigate to the Accounts page, which you can find in the left-side navigation. Select the relevant account from the list and scroll down to the Visitors section. Then:

1. Select the visitors you want to add a tag to from the list in the account's page.

2. Select Edit in the top-right corner of the visitor's profile.

3. Add any tags you want to add to the visitor in the Tags field.

4. Select Save Changes to continue.


Add tags to Accounts

Accounts tags are managed in the Accounts page.

This section describes how to manually add tags to accounts. You can also tag accounts automatically from the Pendo snippet. For more information, see the Auto-tagging section in this article.

Tagging accounts allows you to segment your reporting based on insights that are most valuable for your business. For example, you might want to tag accounts with their industry, location, and growth potential. 

To find an account you want to manually add a tag to, you can either use the search bar at the top of Pendo Feedback, or navigate to the Accounts page, which you can find in the left-side navigation. Then:

1. Select the relevant account from the list in the Accounts page.

2. Select Edit in the top-right corner of the account's profile.

3. Add any tags you want to add to the visitor in the Tags field.

4. Select Update to continue.


The quickest way to add tags to visitors and accounts is to set up auto-tagging when you configure the Pendo snippet. Auto-tagging can also be configured using Feedback API's

Note: Auto-tagging can only be applied at the visitor and account levels. Request and team user tagging must be manual.

Auto-tags pull data from your product, and automatically add tags to visitors and accounts in Pendo Feedback. This allows you to view requests and reports from specified user or account groups.

Tagging visitors and accounts allows you to segment your reporting for additional insights into feature demand based on the tags you choose. Some popular examples are tagging Visitors with their persona, job role, and access level.

Example Account and Visitor tags


  • Industry
  • Location
  • Subscription plan
  • Contract length
  • Company size
  • Account owner
  • Growth potential


  • Persona
  • Job role
  • Access level

After setting up auto-tags, you can view the demand for your product from any set of visitors, accounts, or opportunities you have grouped together with tags. 

If you've already installed Pendo, you can add new auto-tags for accounts and visitors to your original installation snippet, or you can add them using our APIs: http://apidoc.receptive.io

Key Description Example
account.tags Account tags Simple:["automotive", "London"]
visitor.tags Visitor tag categories and their associated tags

Simple:["sales", "London"]

Tag categories: [{"title": [Engineer", "IT"]}]


Example snippet

  full_name:'John Doe',
tags: [{"title": ["Engineer", "IT"]}, "Power User", {"Location": ["NewYork", "London"]}] }, }, account:{ id:17, name:'Acme, inc', monthly_value:'99.99', is_paying:true, planLevel:995, isFoo:false
tags: ["Enterprise", "Commercial"] } }


User and Account tags in reports

"Users" refers to visitors or internal team members. This section describes how to use use different tag types as filters in reports.

Team user tags in reports

If you want to focus on particular team members in your reports:

1. Navigate to the Reports page using the left-side navigation.

2. Select Internal SmartList from the Predefined Reports on the right-side of the page.

3. Select the Advanced tab on the right-side of the page.

4. Open USER FILTERS. This shows you a list of categories, each with a dropdown menu allowing you to select tags. Any tags not assigned to a category is placed in Other.

5. Select the tags you want to add. The report then updates to include those filters.

Visitor tags in reports

To use Visitor tags in reports:

1. Navigate to the Reports page using the left-side navigation.

2. Select Advanced tab on the right-side of the page.

3. Open the USER FILTERS section. This shows you a list of categories, each with a dropdown menu allowing you to select tags. Any tags not assigned to a category is placed in Other.

4. Select the tags you want to add. The report then updates to include those filters.

Account tags in reports

To use account tags in reports:

1. Navigate to the Reports page using the left-side navigation.

3. Select the Advanced tab on the right-side of the page.

3. Open the ACCOUNT FILTERS section. This shows you a list of categories, each with a dropdown menu allowing you to select tags. Any tags not assigned to a category is placed in Other.

4. Select the tags you want to add. The report then updates to include those filters.

Tag categories

Use categories to group tags together in the Reports and Browse pages of Pendo Feedback. For example, you might want to group visitor tags by Job Role.

Once you've added a tag and category, the category and associated tags are added to your Reports and Browse pages, where category is presented as a dropdown menu.


Add a tag category

To add a category, use the format CATEGORY:TAG. For example:

  • Job Role:Customer Success
  • Industry:Education
  • Location:Germany
  • Product origin:Dashboard
  • Price Plan:Gold


Use an existing category

You can select existing categories that appear as you start typing.


Example categories and tags

Use the format ("Category:Tag") shown in the following examples to categorize your tags.

Request tags

Categorize your requests so that you can quickly access them in the Reports and Browse pages of Pendo Feedback. Some examples include:

Category Examples
Expansion potential
  • Expansion:100-499
  • Expansion:500-999
  • Expansion:1000+
  • Function:Onboarding
  • Function:Communication
  • Integrations:JIRA
  • Integrations:Salesforce
  • Problem:Ticket management
  • Problem:Efficiency
  • Problem:Complex system issue
Product version
  • Version:1.1
  • Version:2.4.5
Project owner
  • Owner:Bill D
  • CSM:Sally M
  • Project:Integrations
  • Project:Test
  • Project:Customer UI Overhaul
  • Project:Reporting
  • Theme:Automation
  • Theme:Faster triage process
Strategic goals
  • Strategy:Decrease churn across enterprise accounts
  • Strategy:Increase SMB sales


Other ideas

  • Customer Success:Quick Win (For example, if a request is a small tweak to an existing feature.)
  • Customer Success:Efficiency Project (For example, if a request is a pain point related to a bigger pain point that the CS team is seeing more often.)
  • Customer Success:Strategic (For example, if your customer success teams notice a theme or project that ties to a strategic goal.)
  • Sales:Strategic (For example, if your sales teams notice a theme or project that ties to a strategic goal.)
  • Trends:Sales (For example, if your sales team has noticed trends.)
  • Risk:Customer value (For example, if a request is stopping customers from getting value from your product.)
  • Risk:Lost sale (For example, if a feature blocked a sale, in this case add the prospect to the request and add a private note in the comments.)
  • Risk:Potential bug (For example, if a request is not quite a bug but the feature isn't performing as the customer expected)

User tags

Categorize tags by users, which could be your visitors or prospects.

Category Examples


  • Persona:Bob
  • Persona:Jill

User role or access level

  • Role:Admin
  • Role:Limited
  • Role:View only

Job title, team, or role

  • Job title:CXO
  • Job title:CSMs
  • Job title:Admin
  • Job role:Sale

Customer Advisory Board member

  • CAB:Yes
  • CAB:No

NPS category

  • NPS:Detractor
  • NPS:Passive
  • NPS:Promoter


Account tags

Categorize your tags at the account level.

Category Examples

Account owner or CSM

  • Owner:Bill
  • CSM:Sally


  • Industry:Education
  • Industry:Finance


  • Region:Europe
  • Region:Eastern USA
  • State:Texas
  • Country:UK
  • City:Spokane

Subscription or plan type

  • Plan:Starter
  • Plan:Gold


  • Strategic:Yes
  • Strategic:No


Team tags

Use tag categories to organize your teams.

Category Examples


  • Region:Europe
  • Country:UK
  • City:London


  • Role:CSM
  • Role:Account Manager
  • Role:VP Sales


  • Vertical:Education
  • Vertical:Finance
  • Vertical:Health


  • Project:Integrations
  • Project:UX Improvement


Tag validation

There are certain validations in place for tag values:

  • Tag values must be strings.
  • Tag categories must be a string key and values must be an array of strings, where the the key is the category and the value is one or more tags.
  • Combinations of category:tags (key and values) plus simple tags are also allowed. For example:
    [{"title": ["Engineer", "IT"]}, "Admin", {"Location": ["NewYork", "London"]}]
    Where "Admin" is a simple tag.
  • Tags must be at least 2 characters in length.
  • Invalid characters include , | { } : < >. Only use : to create tag categories.

Invalid Examples

Tag Explanation

tags: [“Admin,IT”]

Comma not allowed in simple tags

tags: [{"Title":["IT, Systems & Programming"]}]

Visitor tag categories and their associated tags.

tags: [{"Title":[null]}

Tag value should always be a string

tags: [{"Title":["Dept | Financial and HR Manager"]}

| not allowed in a tag value.

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