Feedback for customer-facing teams

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Customer-facing teams use Feedback to make requests on behalf of customers and prospects, keep customers and prospects updated with the status of requests, understand market needs, and view priorities.

  • Sales teams can track and report on market demand and follow up with the right prospects as their requests are updated and released.
  • Customer success teams can accurately track and quantify demand from their customer base, see a prioritized list of requirements at the visitor and account levels, and add and prioritize requests on behalf of customers.

To these ends, customer-facing teams typically use Feedback to:

  • Gather feedback. Use customer feedback to gather use cases and understand their needs. You can open Feedback up to customers to allow them to submit requests themselves, as well as add requests on behalf of customers and prospects.
  • Understand priorities. Users can vote on existing requests and then set the priority of requests they've voted on. As with requests, you can add votes and priorities on behalf of customers and prospects.
  • Review and report. View customer requirements and priorities, and view the status of requests that you know your customers care about.
  • Encourage engagement. If you’ve launched Feedback to your customers, encourage your customers to engage with Pendo Feedback by making requests, adding comments, voting on other requests, and updating their priorities.

You can also Add your own requests, votes, and priorities, whether for your own application as an internal user or as a customer of Pendo.

Pendo Feedback also reduces workload for Technical Support by redirecting requests for new features and product improvements through to Pendo Feedback. For more information, see Requests for Support in the Review and manage requests article.

If you use Zendesk, you can add requests to Feedback directly from the ticket panel in Zendesk. For more information see the Zendesk Feedback Integration article.

Gather feedback

Visitors often use requests to describe a use case or pain point, and use comments to weigh in and provide more context. Use the comments associated with requests to understand what an issue is and why a request has been submitted. It could be that the specific request won’t be granted, but you know that an upcoming feature will solve particular pain points expressed.

Grant customer access to Pendo Feedback

There are several options for allowing customers to self-serve by making their own requests through Pendo Feedback. You can offer your customers a full-screen view of Feedback through a button or link in your application, a Feedback panel that opens from a tab on your application, or a Feedback module in the Resource Center. If you're an Intercom customer, you can also embed Feedback into Intercom messenger, or configure the Answer Bot to send a Feedback link.

For more information on how to launch Feedback to your customers and set up these options for providing feedback, see Grant Feedback access to customers.

Add requests on behalf of customers and prospects

Be responsive to customer and prospect feedback. When customers or prospects mention requests or desired features in a call or email, you can add their request to Feedback on their behalf.

Navigate to Pendo Products > Feedback to add requests on behalf of your prospects and customers. If you need an invitation, ask your Pendo lead to go to Product Settings > Manage Team in Feedback and send you an invitation.

Select Suggest from the left-side navigation and select you in Requested by you to change the requestor. Start typing the visitor’s name (not the company name), and select the appropriate Visitor from the dropdown menu. 

The visitor’s vote is already added to the request when you create it. You can add your own vote and subscribe to keep track of updates to the request.

Understand priorities

When you start typing the request, similar requests appear below. If the same or similar request appears, you can instead open that request and add the visitor to it. When a customer is associated with three or more requests, either by making the request itself or by having their vote added to an existing request, these requests can also be prioritized on the customer's behalf.

For more detailed instructions, see Launch Feedback and gather requests internally.

Add a customer's votes to an existing request

If you know that a request already exists, use the search box in the top-right corner to find the request. Open the request and then add the customer (visitor) to it. You can start typing the customer's name (not the company name), and select the appropriate visitor.

Update priorities

If you're on the phone with a customer who indicates their priorities should be updated, you can do this for them. Find the visitor by entering the customer's name into the search bar at the top, or select Accounts from the left-side navigation to find the customer's account and then choose the correct visitor from the list.

Once you find the customer's profile, select Edit on the user page and then Priorities. Changes you make to the sliders, here, are automatically saved.

Review and report

There are multiple ways to use Feedback in your customer-facing role. The data collected can be used by sales teams to:

  • Keep prospect expectations aligned with the product.
  • Show how releases satisfy prospect demands.
  • Revisit historic deals lost due to feature gaps.
  • Collect data for contract renewals.
  • Understand prospects' priorities before a call.

The data can be used by customer-facing teams to: 

  • Keep customer expectations aligned with the product.
  • Show how releases satisfy customer demands.
  • Predict churn.
  • Identify training opportunities for customers.
  • Understand a customer’s priorities before a call.

View request status

Find the status of a request for a customer or check whether there’s been progress on a request by searching for it in the search bar in the top navigation of your dashboard. Open the request to view the latest comments, votes, and updates.

For more information on statuses in Feedback, see Request status updates.

Automate visitor and account tagging

You can automate visitor and account tagging with the Pendo install script (commonly referred to as "the snippet") or using Feedback's API. Auto-tags add labels to visitors and accounts in Pendo Feedback so that you can pull reports and view requests from specific users and accounts.

For information on auto-tagging, see Auto-tagging in Feedback.

View requirements and opportunities

Get smart insights about what's going to help your customers accelerate their success. Select Accounts from the left-side navigation, and choose the visitor's account. This shows you a list of priorities for that account, separated by what has and hasn’t been released for that customer. Here, you can:

  • View priorities from all visitors in the account.
  • Review the Released tab to view what ideas you’ve recently released for them.
  • Look at specific visitors in the list before meeting or having a phone call with the customer.
  • Ask visitors if they’ve used any new features related to their requests and if they have any feedback or additional requests, which you can then add to Feedback on their behalf.

Understand engagement, usage, and churn

You have access to more granular insights into customer activity in the Metrics page, which you can find in the left-side navigation. Here, you can see the most engaged visitors, and those who have had the most requests released. Use the Engagement section to see which customers have used Feedback the most.

You can also use the Customer Insights dashboard to help your customers be successful and avoid churn. Navigate to your Dashboard in the left-side navigation, and select Customer Insights to view reports that help you understand engagement and usage.

Encourage engagement

Save time by pointing customers to Pendo Feedback. Once your visitors know about Feedback, they’ll submit fewer Support tickets that are actually requests, and submit requests themselves using Feedback. Explain the benefits of Feedback and how visitors can access it themselves.

Visitors can select individual requests they’re interested in to view the description, status, and public comments. Visitors that subscribe to a request receive notifications when new comments are added and when the status is changed. For instructions on how to configure automatic updates for visitors, see Notification emails in Feedback.

Send an engagement email

You can send a personalized email to your visitors, encouraging them to use Feedback, and improving the amount and quality of your data. For instructions, see Engagement emails in the Notification emails in Feedback article.

Ask visitors to review their priorities, highlight progress you have made towards a request, and show what you’re currently working on.

Encourage customers to self-serve

Use the opportunity to point to Pendo Feedback when customers offer an idea or express an issue. For example, if a customer makes a request over email, you could respond:

Thank you so much for your feedback! We have an amazing new feedback portal in our app that allows you to submit ideas directly to our product team. Once you add this idea, you'll be automatically notified when it's reviewed.

To submit this suggestion (and prioritize your requests), just head to the "Submit a request" button [add link location details]. Be sure to explain why this is important to you, and what it's stopping you from being able to accomplish so that our Product team understands the impact.

To learn more, read our feedback policy here [link].

Notify the customer when you've added a request on their behalf

Let customers know that their request has been recorded and tell how they can view their requests and how they receive updates. For example, if a customer makes a request through a Support ticket, you could respond:

Thank you for your feedback! I’ve submitted this as a request in our Feedback dashboard, and you'll be automatically updated when your request is reviewed by our product team.

You can reach your dashboard, see your request, vote on requests others have submitted, and prioritize your requests by clicking the "Request a feature" button in our app [add link location details].

Also, feel free to add additional details in the discussion section so our product team knows how this feature would help you.

Be specific. Vague responses to requests and ideas make visitors feel like you don't value their feedback. Show them that you take their requests seriously by having a process in place to listen, respond, and act on customer ideas.

Optionally, you could use the Gorgias extension, which allows you to type a shortcut word to automatically populate a templated response to send.

Remind customers to vote on and prioritize requests

Visitors can make a request through a link or button in the application and, if set up, can select the App and Product Area their request relates to. Visitors can also see a list of requests that have been requested by other users, and can show interest or vote on these. 

If a visitor votes on more than one request, they can prioritize them using sliders. You can remind customers to review their priorities regularly to ensure their priorities are up to date. Visitors are prevented from prioritizing all requests they’ve voted on as high.

For more information about voting for and prioritizing requests, see Requests, votes, and priorities.

Add your own requests, votes, and priorities

You can also improve your own job and processes by making suggestions through the Feedback portal. Whether you notice that something needs to be improved or have an idea that would help you do your job better, you can submit requests that you'd like to see implemented.

Make a suggestion for your application

From the internal view in Feedback, select Suggest in the left-side navigation, and create your request, with a title and description. For an overview of the internal view of Feedback, see Internal view of Pendo Feedback.

If you have more than one request, or if you’ve voted on other requests, you can prioritize them so that your product team knows what’s most important to you and your team.

Make a suggestion for Pendo

If you have ideas for how Pendo could help you and your team, you can use our own Feedback portal to suggest and search for requests, and vote on and prioritize requests.

Include your use case so that the Product team can understand the problem you’re having when considering your request.

Follow the instructions in Give product feedback to Pendo.


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