Tag modals and dialogs in a mobile app

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You can tag dialogs in your app as a new Page. Open the required Page, open the dialog, and tag it. It's saved as a new Page, and you'll get separate analytics for it.

When tagging dialogs, the Pendo capture button (pink camera) might show behind the dialog and won’t be clickable. From SDK version 2.21, you can use the ‘volume up’ button on your device to trigger a screen capture.

When you launch a modal and capture it, it results in a new Page that's identified separately from the Page that contains this modal.

You can now tag any Feature on that modal for analytics and guide purposes.



Alert controller dialogs with iOS can't be tagged as pages due to an Apple OS limitation, but you can tag the Features within them.

Note: Elements in alert controllers are tagged as 'App-Wide', meaning, we calculate user clicks on them in any screen of the application. For example: If you have two alert dialogs in your app with OK or Cancel buttons, we'll calculate the clicks on these buttons from both alert dialogs as if they were the same one. 

When you launch a modal (UIAlertController) and capture it, it results in a new Page, though this isn't a Page you can use for data or guidance. You can still tag any Feature in the modal for those purposes. 

When tagging a Feature on a modal in an iOS application, this Feature is set to app-wide, meaning data will be collected for any modal Feature with that text.

* Currently not available for React applications


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