Organization settings are a configuration level above subscription settings. After setting up organization settings, an org-level admin can view them by going to Settings > Organization Settings near the bottom of the left-side menu.
Organization settings control enterprise user access and shared content for one or more Pendo subscriptions. The configurations in organization settings are available to a single subscription or multiple subscriptions across your business with a shared organization ID.
With organization-level settings, you can:
- View your current monthly active users (MAU), which shows you how many unique active visitors have used your applications over the past 30 days. For more information, see MAU metrics.
- Set up CNAME, which allows you to create hostnames under your own subdomain name, used in place of Pendo hostnames. For more information, see CNAME for Pendo.
- Set up SCIM SSO, which allows you to control access to your Pendo data across your business. For more information, see Set up SCIM in Pendo.
- Configure org-level user access, where you can assign either Org Admin and Org Content Manager access to other Pendo users. For more information, see Organization users.
- Build shared guide themes and layouts between subscriptions. For more information, see Organization Library.
The tabs that you see in your Organization Settings depends on which of the above-listed features you're contracted for.
Organization settings are visible in Pendo after the following prerequisites are met:
- Organization Settings access, granted by Pendo.
- Organization Admin permission to manage organization settings.
- Subscription Admin permissions to manage subscription settings.
- Org Content Manager permissions to manage the Organization Library.
MAU tab
The MAU tab provides a calculation and overview of Monthly Active Users (MAU). MAU refers to the total number of unique active visitors who used your application (or applications if you have more than one) over the past 30 days. A unique visitor is inferred from a unique Visitor ID value. Visitor ID values are defined when you install and configure Pendo.
The MAU tab in your Organization Settings is useful for:
- Billing transparency. The Pendo plan you're on is in part dictated by your MAU limit and regularly tracking historical MAU can help you to avoid unexpected charges.
- Filtering MAU data. You can review MAU by date range, subscription, application, identified visitors, and anonymous visitors to see where spikes in your unique active visitors might be coming from.
For more information, see MAU metrics.
CNAME tab (beta)
The CNAME tab is available to customers in our closed beta for configuring their own CNAME record at the organization level. Here, you can create hostnames under your own vanity domain (subdomain), used in place of Pendo hostnames for both sending events and downloading guide content without having to go to the Support team to configure. This is useful for brand consistency and for overcoming access issues caused by ad-blocking software, firewalls, web filters, and so forth.
For more information, see Configure organization CNAME.
SSO tab
The SSO tab is where you connect your organization to your SCIM provider and then enable SCIM user management for any Pendo subscriptions in that organization. Those users can then use Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) single sign-on (SSO) to access Pendo. Here, you can enable SCIM for specific subscriptions and the access granted to groups in those subscriptions to precisely control Pendo access across your company.
For more information, see Set up SCIM in Pendo.
Users tab
The Users tab is where you can control edit access to organization settings. The Organization Users table shows a list of all users with org-level permissions.
There are two organization access roles: Org Admin and Org Content Manager. An Org Admin has access to all organization settings, including organization user access, provisioning, security settings, and the organization library. Org Content Managers can only share themes and layouts between subscriptions in the Organization Library. For more information, see Organization Users.
Org Admins
Organization settings are controlled by an Org Admin. This is typically an IT manager who's responsible for system security and access to the software tools in your tech stack. Org Admins can manage organization settings access for any user in any subscription in the organization.
The Org Admin doesn't have Subscription Admin access to the subscriptions in the organization by default. Subscription-level settings are only controlled by Subscription Admins in the subscription. A user needs any level of user access (such as Viewer) to a subscription before they can be designated an Org Admin.
The first user in a new organization is assigned the Org Admin role automatically and can designate additional Org Admin as needed. There must always be one Org Admin. Org Admin access, including the first Org Admin, can be revoked at any time by another Org Admin.
Org Content managers
Guide themes and layouts shared in the Organization Library are controlled by Org Content Managers. Org Content Managers can see all themes and layouts across all subscriptions in the organization and make any of those themes and layouts visible to other subscriptions in the organization. Org Content Managers don't have access to any other organization settings.
Organization Library tab (beta)
The Organization Library tab is the central hub for sharing guide themes and layouts between subscriptions in the organization. Org Content Managers can share guide design components across the entire business without having to manually recreate them in each Pendo environment.
An Org Content Manager can select a theme or layout in any subscription and make that content visible to select subscriptions or all subscriptions in the organization.
Guide designers in a subscription configure themes and layouts in their individual subscription, and these are visible in the Organization Library automatically. When themes and layouts are shared with a subscription, guide creators see the organization's themes and layouts in a distinct Organization table alongside subscription themes and layouts in the guide-creation workflow.
For more information, see Organization Library.