Requests, votes, and priorities

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This article provides an overview of the UI and functionality that you and your customers (depending on how you choose to provision Pendo Feedback) use to submit requests and register your interest in existing requests for your products or applications.

For information about the different options for providing Pendo Feedback to your customers, see Grant Feedback access to customers.

Request form

When an internal user or customer submits a request, they’re presented with a form. If you're an internal user, can submit a request as yourself, or on behalf of a customer or prospect.

The default is to submit a request as yourself. To submit on behalf of a customer or prospect, select the link in Requested by you directly below Submit a request and choose who you'd like to submit the request on behalf of. For instructions on submitting requests on behalf of your customers and prospects, see Step 4 in Launch Feedback and gather requests internally


The first text field is the request. You can add more questions and corresponding text fields to learn more about the request. We recommend limiting the number of questions to three or fewer. For more information, see Request form setup and Customize the request form.

If enabled, your visitors can additionally:

  • Upload files of up to 10MB. Enabled this by selecting Allow visitor uploads in Settings > Product Settings > Customize Request Form.
  • Choose an App and Product Area that their request relates to. Choose the visibility of these filters when you edit or create each Product Area.

Depending on your permissions as an internal user, you can:

  • Upload files of up to 250MB.
  • Choose an App and Product Area that the request relates to.
  • Add tags to help your colleagues find and organize requests.
  • Estimate the relative amount of effort to complete the request.
  • Set the visibility of the request depending on whether you want only your team to see it.

For more information on what internal users with different roles can and can’t view and edit in requests, see Manage Team: Roles and Permissions in Feedback.

Votes and priorities

Feedback allows users to vote on existing requests and then set the priority of requests they've voted on. Priority scores are considered in your Feedback Demand Reports. You can use this data to identify the “must-have” features and the “nice-to-have" features.

  • The Visitor SmartList uses a combination of number of votes, priority score, and Account value to surface the highest-scoring requests across your request library.
  • The Visitor Priorities report uses only the priority scores assigned by your visitors to uncover the requests your visitors want the most, irrespective of vote count or Account value.
  • Your Internal SmartList considers your own organization's votes and priorities only.

For more information about SmartLists and other predefined reports, see Discovery with Demand Reports.

Request actions

Users register their interest in a request by voting for them. They do this by opening the full details of a request and selecting the thumbs up ("I want this") icon in the Request actions section of the request.


Next to the thumbs up icon is the snooze ("I'm not interested") icon. Selecting this means that the user doesn't have an opinion on that request and doesn't want to see it again. Selecting this option clears the request from a user's dashboard so it doesn't come up every time they sign in.

The "I'm not interested" icon doesn't add a negative weight to the request in your reports. Requests can only be influenced up rather than down.


Users can find their "I'm not interested" requests in the Dashboard and selecting See your previous choices in the top-right of the Priorities section.


On this page, if you select the snooze ("I'm not interested") icon again, the function is disabled and the request shows up on your dashboard again.


My Priorities

Users can find a list of requests they've voted on under My Priorities in the portal dashboard or in the widget slide-out. A visitor can use the sliders on the right to set their priorities for these requests. 


Each visitor has a finite priority score, which is evenly distributed across their requests by default. When you move the priority of one request up, the others automatically move down. This encourages users to think about which requests are most important to them. 

The priority score of a request is calculated relative to other requests a visitor wants. Once a visitor has set a request to high priority, this request carries a higher score. Setting all requests to the highest priority gives them the same score as not prioritizing them at all.

Internal users can also use priority sliders. Your internal teams should only use the priority sliders to communicate how much they want a feature, not to prioritize the development of features.

Your internal teams can also set priorities on behalf of your customers. For more information, see Step 5. Update votes and priorities in the Launch Feedback and gather requests internally article.


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