Create segments from idea voters

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This article provides instructions for creating segments from idea voters. For more informational content about this functionality, see Act on ideas.

Votes are added to ideas through idea tests and by linking feedback to an idea. For information about idea votes, see Add votes to ideas in the Create and manage ideas article.

You can use the votes on ideas as the data source for defining a segment rule. This allows you to create a segment that contains the visitors who voted on an idea or set of ideas, as well as visitors that didn't vote on an idea or set of ideas.

Create a segment

There are two ways to create a segment from idea voters:

  • From the idea's details page in Listen.
  • From the Segments page in Analytics.

Idea details in Listen

You can create a pre-populated segment based on an idea that you have open in Listen.

  1. Go to Listen > Validate ideas.
  2. Find and open an Idea that you want to base a segment on. This opens the idea in a panel on the right side of the page.
  3. Select Action in the bottom-left corner of the panel and then choose  Create segment.

    Actions create segment.png

  4. The first line of rules is prepopulated with information from the idea that you're building the segment from. Modify your segment as needed.
  5. Select Create segment in the bottom-right corner.


Segments page in Analytics

  1. Go to People > Segments.
  2. Choose + Create segment in the top-right of the page.
  3. Create a name for your segment.
  4. Select + Add Rules.
  5. From the first dropdown menu, select Ideas as the data source for the rule.


  6. From the second dropdown menu, choose the idea you'd like to base your segment on.
  7. Modify your segment as needed.
  8. Select Create Segment in the bottom-right corner.

Modify your segment

You can create segments from visitors that voted on ideas in Listen, and from visitors that didn't vote on ideas in Listen. When including visitors who have voted, you can specify whether you want to include visitors based on how important an idea was to them.


You can limit these segments to a specific timeframe. This allows you to target communication at people based on their level of engagement. The segment dynamically updates based on visitors that fit the criteria over time.


Multiple rules with the Ideas data source can be added to a segment using AND/OR logic. This allows you to create a segment of votes on multiple ideas, or to create a segment of users that voted on one idea and not another. You can also use a combination of other rule types.

For more information on creating segments, see the Segments article.


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