Listen is designed to help you transform individual feedback items into testable ideas that you can then prioritize and communicate using roadmaps.
This article provides instructions for linking feedback items to ideas so that you can organize problem spaces into potential solutions. For more information about this functionality, see Act on ideas.
How it works
You can link customer feedback items to ideas in several ways:
- During the feedback submission process. See Link from the feedback form.
- From an existing feedback item. See Link from an existing feedback item.
- During the idea-creation process. See Link from the idea creation form.
- From an individual idea in the ideas list. See Link from an existing idea.
If you have Enable suggested ideas turned on in Settings > Subscription settings, our AI assistant also suggests existing ideas and feedback items to link to. For information about enabling this and other AI Features, see Subscription settings. You have full control over whether you link a suggested idea to a feedback item.
You can also bulk link several feedback items to an idea from a saved custom view of feedback. for instructions, see Bulk-link feedback items to an idea.
Link from the feedback form
To link feedback to an existing idea during the feedback submission process, fill out the feedback submission form and then:
Select the Link ideas field in the form.
- Enter keywords or phrases into the search. If you have Enable suggested ideas turned on in Subscription settings, you can also choose from a list of ideas suggested by the Pendo AI assistant.
- Select the appropriate idea from the dropdown menu or, if you want to link an idea suggested by our Pendo AI assistant, hover over the item and select Accept.
- Select Submit feedback to complete the submission.
For more information about the feedback form, see Collect customer feedback.
Link from an existing feedback item
To link from an existing feedback item, go to Listen > Feedback views, choose a feedback view, and open the Feedback items tab. From here, there are two ways to link ideas to an existing feedback item:
- From the details panel of the feedback item.
- From the row of the feedback item in the table view.
From the details panel
- Find and select the feedback item from the Feedback table. This opens a panel on the right-side of the page.
- At the bottom of the panel on the right side of the page, select Create or link idea.
From here, you can either:
- Select Create new idea to link to the feedback item. Add the details for the idea and then link it to a feedback item as you would when you create a new idea from the Validate page.
- Find and select an existing idea that you want to link to the feedback item and then select Link.
If you have Enable suggested ideas turned on in Subscription settings, you can also choose from a list of ideas suggested by the Pendo AI assistant. Open the Linked ideas tab at the top of the panel and hover over a suggested idea to view, reject, or accept it.
From a table view of feedback
To link from a saved custom view of feedback, go to Listen > Feedback views and open an existing feedback view from the Saved views table. Open the Feedback items tab, hover over a feedback item, and select either:
- The light bulb icon at the end of the row.
- If you have the Linked ideas column added to the table view, select the plus icon in that column.
This opens the details of the feedback item with the Linked ideas tab open by default. Hover over a suggested idea to select View, Reject, or Accept.
If you have Enable suggested ideas turned on in Subscription settings, you can also choose from a list of feedback items suggested by the Pendo AI assistant. Find an item in the table that has a wand icon with a number to the right of it in the Linked ideas column. The number indicates how many ideas Pendo is suggesting. Select the wand icon to view suggested feedback items to link to the idea.
Link from the idea creation form
To link existing feedback when you create a new idea, fill out the Create idea form and then:
Select the Link feedback field in the form.
- Enter keywords or phrases into the search. If you have Enable suggested ideas turned on in Subscription settings, you can also choose from a list of feedback items suggested by the Pendo AI assistant.
- Select the appropriate feedback item from the dropdown menu or, if you want to link a feedback item suggested by our Pendo AI assistant, hover over the item and select Accept.
- Select Create idea.
Link from an existing idea
To link from an existing feedback item, go to Listen > Validate ideas. The Ideas tab is open by default. From here, there are two ways to link feedback items to an existing idea.
- From the Actions button in the details panel of the idea.
- If you have Enable suggested ideas turned on, from the Suggested feedback section of the details panel of the idea.
From the Actions button
- Select Actions in the bottom-left corner of the panel.
Choose Link Feedback.
- Find and select the feedback item that you want to link the idea to.
- Select Link.
If no feedback item exists, you can select Create new feedback instead. Take note of the idea you want to link to and add it at the bottom of the feedback form.
From the Suggested feedback section
If you have Enable suggested ideas turned on in Subscription settings, you can also choose from a list of feedback items suggested by the Pendo AI assistant. There are multiple ways to access suggested links.
- From the the Overview tab. Select the Suggested feedback banner at the bottom of the idea to expand it and view the suggested links.
From the Votes tab, which you can access from:
- The top of the details panel of the idea.
- The Votes column of the Ideas list. Select the wand icon in the Votes column to open the details of the idea with the Votes tab open by default.
Hover over a suggested feedback item to accept or reject the item using the tick and cross icons, respectively. To view the full feedback item, select Feedback item in the bottom left of the suggestion.
Bulk link feedback items to an idea
To link multiple feedback items in a saved custom view of feedback:
- Go to Listen > Feedback views.
- Open and existing feedback view from the Saved views table.
- Open the Feedback items tab.
- Select the feedback items that you want to link to an idea using the checkboxes to the left of each item in the table.
- Select the Create/link idea. This button only appears when you've selected one or more feedback items from the table view.
Select an existing idea or select Create new idea.
- If linking an existing idea, select Link idea.
- If creating a new idea, complete the Create idea form and then select Create idea.