The Analysis tab in the Validate ideas section of Listen offers you two ways of visualizing ideas to help you prioritize them. Use these visualizations to evaluate how ideas might impact your users and to help you decide what to build next.
You can filter the data by segment, timescale, App, Product Area, idea status, creator, and idea importance using the global filters at the top of the page.
Top ideas visualization
The Top ideas visualization shows you the most popular ideas based on either Votes, Accounts, or Revenue using the dropdown menu above the graph.
The Revenue, or ARR, is a type of account metadata and is the value that you pass into Pendo through the customer value metadata field. For more information on metadata, see the Visitor and Account Metadata article.
You can include up to 100 of the top ideas in this graph, included in increments of 5, 10, 20, 50, or 100. Choose how many ideas to include using the dropdown menu at the top of the visualization.
You can also add Top ideas to your Pendo dashboard by selecting the Add to dashboard icon in the top right of the visualization box.
Prioritize ideas visualization
The Prioritize ideas visualization shows you the proposed priority of ideas based on Effort (x-axis) and Impact (y-axis). Use this matrix as a decision-making tool for deciding what to focus on next. Uncover low effort, high impact “quick wins” alongside low impact ideas that would be better to deprioritize.
Bubble sizes reflect the number of up-votes (Nice To Have and Must Have) attached to an idea. The visualization doesn't include Not Important votes.
Impact and Effort are assigned by admin users. For more information on roles and permissions for Validate, see Validate ideas.
Download visualizations
You can download the visualization you're viewing to share it with others as a PNG file. To download a visualization, select the Download image icon in the top right of the visualization box. If you're viewing the Top ideas visualization, this icon is next to the Add to dashboard icon in the top right of the visualization box.