Save custom views of feedback

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You can create and save your own table views of feedback that consist of custom column layouts, sorting, and filtering to return to later and to share with colleagues. For an overview of the Feedback views page, see the Overview of Pendo Listen.

How it works

A saved feedback view is like a saved set of filters applied to all feedback items that you collect in Listen. Only feedback that matches the filters of a saved view (whether existing or newly created) are visible in that saved view. For example, if you create a saved view that captures all feedback items with a "Settings" label, any new feedback that someone adds the "Settings" label to also appears in that feedback view.

Visibility and sharing

Any Pendo user can see and open any saved feedback view in Listen. For instructions, see Find and open a saved feedback view in this article.

You can also directly share a saved feedback view with another Pendo user in your subscription using the Copy link icon in the top right of a saved feedback view.

Every Pendo user sees the same feedback items in a saved feedback view, regardless of who imported or submitted a feedback item, and regardless of who edited a feedback item, like adding a label or Product Area to help categorize it.

The ability to edit saved views depends on your assigned permissions:

  • A Listen Viewer can apply filters to existing feedback views, but can't save any changes to the feedback view. For instructions, see View customer feedback in Manage feedback in Listen
  • A Listen Contributor or Manager can create and edit existing feedback views. This means that they can both apply filters to existing feedback views and save those changes. For instructions, see Edit a saved feedback table view in this article.

For information about Listen permissions, see Roles and permissions.

Default views

There are two default views that are always available to you in the Feedback views page and can't be deleted:

  • All Feedback. A table view and insights for all feedback items received.
  • New Feedback. A table view and insights for all feedback with a status of New.

New users can find these at the top of the page, which is also where any saved feedback views that you've starred as "favorites" appear. For more information about starred views and how they work, see Favorite views in this article.

You can apply filters to the default views (All Feedback and New Feedback), but you can't save changes to them like you can with a feedback view that you've created. These default views have a lock icon to indicate that you can't save any changes you make to them.

Lock icon for default view.png

You can, however, save any changes that you make to a new feedback view.

  1. Use the search bar, filters, and table columns to capture the data you want to see.
  2. Select Save as from the top right of the feedback view.
  3. Enter a title for the new feedback view that you're creating.
  4. Optionally, add a description.
  5. Select Create view in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

A new saved view is then created, without affecting the All Feedback or New Feedback view that it was created from.

Favorite views

The section at the top of the page shows you the feedback views that you've starred to make them "favorites". This section is unique to you. The only feedback view that you can't remove from your favorites is the All Feedback view, as indicated by the lock icon.

All Feedback view locked to favorites.png

You can also see which saved feedback views are in your favorites from the left-most column in the Saved views table. A selected star icon has a yellow fill and a deselected star icon has no fill.

You can sort this table to show starred saved feedback views at the top of the table by selecting the column's heading, which is a star icon. This adds a black fill to the column icon and then sorts the table to show starred saved feedback views first.

Favorite views table.png

To add a saved feedback view to your favorites, select the empty (no-fill) star icon next to the saved feedback view in the Saved views table.

To remove a saved feedback view from your favorites, select the yellow-filled star icon next to the saved feedback view either from the Saved views table or from the favorites section at the top of the Feedback views page.

New feedback view saved to favorites.png

Find and open a saved feedback view

To open a saved custom view of customer feedback, go to Listen > Feedback views from the left-side menu. Use the search and filter functionality to find and open the appropriate saved view from the list. 

To view only your own feedback views, select Created by me from the dropdown menu above the table of saved views.

Created by dropdown menu.png

To find feedback from a particular Pendo user, select Created by anyone from the dropdown menu above the table of saved views and then either:

  • Order the Created by column alphabetically to help you find a particular Pendo user.
  • Use the search bar to find a particular user.

Search view.png

Every saved view of feedback data comes with its own details page consisting of insights and a list of feedback items contributing to the saved view. For an overview of the Feedback items tab, see Manage feedback in Pendo Listen. For an overview of the Insights tab, see View feedback insights.

If you receive large volumes of data, you can narrow down this data using the filters at the top of the page. For an overview of filters, see Manage feedback in Pendo Listen.

Create and save a new feedback table view

Go to Listen > Feedback views and select Create new view in the top-right of the page. This opens a new view for you to edit. Edit the table view of feedback to suit your needs.

  1. Edit the name of the saved view by selecting the default title and entering a new name.
  2. Optionally, add a description below the title.
  3. Edit the table view using the filters and search field as described in Find and filter customer feedback, and by changing the columns as described in Edit table columns

This prompts a Save button to appear at the top of the table. This button saves the view to your Feedback views page and automatically adds the view to your favorites. For information about your favorites, see the Overview of Pendo Listen.

Edit and save an existing saved feedback view

Go to Listen > Feedback views and then search for the saved custom view in the Feedback views page. Select the saved view to open it. Edit the table view of feedback to suit your needs. You can edit a view:

  • Using the filters at the top of the page.
  • Using the search field next to the filters for the saved view. This is different from the search functionality in the top-right corner of the page, which searches all feedback items and ideas in Listen. For more information, see Overview of Pendo Listen.
  • By adding, removing, and reordering the columns in the table in the Feedback items tab. 

Changes to the feedback view prompts a Save button to appear at the top of the page. Selecting this button saves the changes you made to the existing view. This replaces the existing view with the view you’ve just created.

To save a new view based on your changes, select the dropdown arrow (V) next to Save and then choose Save as new view.

Delete a saved feedback view

You can delete a saved view from:

  • The details of the custom view. Select the trash icon at the top of the page and then Delete view in the confirmation window that opens.
  • Directly from the table. Find and hover over the saved view in the list of feedback views, and select the trash icon that appears in the far right of the row for that view.

Confirm that you want to delete the view or select Cancel to go back.


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