View feedback insights

Last updated:

Note: Feedback in Listen is different from the classic Pendo Feedback product and is currently in early access, available to select Pendo customers for testing.

To view feedback insights, go to Listen > Feedback from the left-side menu, choose a feedback view, and open the Insights tab. Here, you can:

The filters at the top of the Insights page modify the insights and visualizations that you see in this tab.

Feedback insights.png

AI-powered summary

For feedback views with at least five feedback items in them, an AI assistant in Listen creates an automatic summary of your feedback view to give you insight into key themes. This summary includes a Pendo AI label unless you make changes to it. If you edit the summary, the label disappears to indicate that it's no longer solely AI-powered.

Feedback summary Pendo AI.png

To use this feature, a Pendo Admin user must first turn it on in Settings > Subscription Settings. Find and select Feedback summaries in Listen under AI Features.

The summary is based only on the feedback items included in that saved view. For information about saved views and how to create them, see Save custom views of feedback.

Note: AI-powered feedback summaries work best with English as the input language. Other languages might result in unpredictable translations.

Edit summary

Select any part of the summary to edit it, including the content and how it's written. In the toolbar that opens, you can also:

  • Regenerate the summary as either a bulleted list or a paragraph by selecting the AI Assist (wand) icon.

    Regenerate icon.png

  • Edit the formatting of the text, including the ability to bold, italicize, underline, strikethrough, highlight, and change the font color.
  • Edit the layout and appearance of the summary, including the ability to create bulleted and numbered lists, change the alignment, create quote blocks, and add horizontal lines.
  • Add links to the text.
  • Undo and redo changes.

When you're done, select the tick icon in the far right of the tool bar, or select the cross icon to the left of it to discard all changes. This updates the information at the bottom of the summary, telling you who last updated it and when.

Save changes to feedback summary.png

Copy the summary

To copy the summary, select the Copy summary icon in the top-right of the Feedback Summary section, to the left of the Add to Dashboard icon. You can then paste its contents to another document or system.

Copy feedback summary.png

Add the summary to your Dashboard

To add the summary to a Pendo dashboard, select the Add to Dashboard icon, in the top-right of the Feedback Summary section.

Add feedback summary to dhashboard.png

Visualize feedback volume

Use the Count of feedback items by creation date line chart to see the number of feedback items that contribute to the saved view you're in over time. You can download this chart and add it to your Pendo Dashboard using the icons in the top-right corner of the section.

This chart won't render if only 1 day is selected or if the view only includes one feedback item.

Feedback over time.png

View feedback by Product Area

Use the Feedback items by product area chart to see how the feedback items in your saved view are distributed across Product Areas. The pie chart shows you what proportion (percentages) of feedback in your saved view are associated with specific Product Areas. You can download this chart and add it to your Pendo Dashboard using the icons in the top-right corner of the section.

Feedback by PA.png

Status breakdown of feedback

Use the Feedback items by status chart to see how much feedback is still open for review. There are three possible statuses: New, Under Review, and Reviewed. All new feedback items are automatically given a status of New. You can download this chart and add it to a Pendo dashboard using the icons in the top-right corner of the section.

Feedback by status.png

Top submitters

The Top submitters section shows you a list of the top accounts associated with the feedback in your saved view. You can add this list to a Pendo dashboard using the Add to Dashboard icon in the top-right corner of the section.

Select an account in this list to go to that account's details page.

Top submitters.png


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