Manage feedback in Listen

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Pendo Listen brings together a combination of tools to help you capture, categorize, prioritize, route, and communicate product ideas in a centralized location. For an overview of functionality, see the Overview of Pendo Listen.

This article summarizes how to manage feedback from the Feedback items tab of a feedback view in Listen. This is the second tab in a feedback view. For information about the Insights tab, see View feedback insights.

Note: Feedback in Listen is different from the classic Pendo Feedback product.

View customer feedback

To view customer feedback, go to Listen > Feedback views > All Feedback and open the Feedback items tab. This page displays all your feedback items in a table view, which shows 50 items at a time by default. Use the dropdown menu at the bottom of the table to change the number of items displayed at a time, and use arrows at the bottom of the table to scroll through more items.

The table view of feedback is independent of who imported or submitted it. Everyone sees the same feedback items in a feedback view.

Here, you can add, move, and remove the following columns.

  • Title. The descriptive name given to the feedback item. The icons to the left of each title indicate where the feedback has come from (the feedback Source). For more information, see Add feedback to Listen.
  • NPS rating. If your feedback source is an NPS survey, the NPS rating that the respondent also gave. For more information, see Send NPS survey data to Listen.
  • Account. The account associated with the feedback. By default, this column displays the Account IDs of the accounts that your visitors belong to. You can change what value shows here by going to Data Mappings > Account Level Data and choosing a different value from the Account Display Settings dropdown menu.
  • Visitor. The visitor associated with the feedback.
  • Status. Where the feedback item is in your feedback process. You can update this from the table.
  • Importance. The level of importance assigned to the feedback item.
  • Labels. The labels attached to the feedback item. You can edit these from the table. For more information about labels and how to use them, see Grouping with Product Areas and labels in Listen.
  • Apps. The applications that the feedback relates to.
  • Product areas. The Product Areas that the feedback relates to. You can edit this from the table. For more information about Product Areas and how to use them, see Grouping with Product Areas and labels in Listen.
  • Created time. When the feedback item was created.
  • Created by. Who submitted the feedback form.
  • Last updated time. When the feedback item was last edited.
  • Last updated by. Who last updated the feedback item.
  • Linked ideas. Ideas that are linked to the feedback. You can open and edit the idea by selecting it from the table. If there is a wand icon with a number next to it in this column, Listen has linking suggestions for you. For more information, see Link feedback items to ideas.

Checkboxes on the left of each row allow you to select multiple feedback items, which you can then link to an idea in bulk. For more information, see Link feedback items to ideas.

Edit table columns

You can edit all columns except the Source column and the checkboxes to the left of it. To edit table columns, select the Manage Columns icon in the top-right of the Feedback table.

  • To reorder columns, select the three vertical dots next to the column you want to move, and then drag and drop it further up or down the list of columns.
  • To add a column, select the Manage Columns icon in the top-right of the Feedback table and then select + Add Column in the bottom of the window. Select a column from the dropdown menu.
  • To remove a column, select the cross (X) next to the column you want to remove from the table. You can add this column back at any time.

After making your changes, select Save. This only saves your column changes. For instructions on saving your custom feedback table view, see Save custom views of feedback.

Find and filter customer feedback

As well as changing the columns in your table view of feedback, you can filter the results in the table and then save that view to come back to later. This prompts a Save button to appear at the top of the table, which you can use to save your new table view of feedback to your Feedback Views page. For more information about saved views of feedback, see Save custom views of feedback.

You can search for feedback items using one or both of the following:

  • The keyword search bar in the top-right of the filters section. 
  • The filter and pick lists at the top of the page.

Feedback item filters.jpg

The search bar in the filters section is different from the search bar in the top-right corner of Listen. The search bar in the filters section only filters feedback items in the feedback view. The search bar in the top-right of the Listen platform searches both feedback items and ideas. For more information, see Overview of Pendo Listen.

The filters are present in both the Insights tab and the Feedback items tab.

  • Use the first dropdown menu to choose a different segment. The default is Everyone.
  • Use the toggle to switch off All Time if you want to only see feedback sent within a specific date range.
  • Use the Accounts dropdown menu to select specific accounts.
  • Use the Apps dropdown menu to select specific applications.

Use the pick lists below the main filters to limit the feedback list to feedback items that: 

View and edit feedback details

To view the details of a particular piece of feedback, go to Listen > Feedback views, choose a view, open the Feedback items tab, and select the feedback item from the Feedback table. This opens a panel on the right side of the page, where you can:

  • Directly edit the title of the feedback item by selecting it and entering a new title
  • View the visitor and account that the feedback is from. 
  • View who created the feedback and when.

In the Overview tab, you can:

  • View and change the status of the feedback item. 
  • View and change the Description of the feedback item.
  • View and and any images or links.
  • View, add, and remove Labels attached to the feedback item.
  • View and change the assigned Importance level.
  • View and change the App.
  • View and change the Product Area.

Note: All new feedback items are automatically given a status of New. You can change this to Under Review or Reviewed from within the table or from within the details page of the individual feedback item.

In the Linked ideas tab, you can:

  • View and remove linked ideas.
  • View, reject, and accept suggested ideas.

Regardless of the tab you're in, you can also:

  • Watch a replay of the visitor as they were submitting the feedback form. This option is only available to Session Replay customers. The replay must have been created within the last 30 days. For more information about replays in Pendo, see Session Replay overview.
  • Add more linked ideas from the Linked Ideas tab. For more information and instructions, see Link feedback items to ideas.

Delete a feedback item

Deleting a feedback item can’t be undone. To delete a feedback item:

  1. Go to Listen > Feedback views.
  2. Choose a feedback view.
  3. Open the Feedback items tab.
  4. Find and select the feedback item from the Feedback table. This opens a panel on the right side of the page.
  5. At the top of the details panel on the right side of the page, select the trash icon. This opens a confirmation window.
  6. Select Delete Feedback, or Cancel if you want to go back.



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