One of our values is maniacal focus on the customer, and so we take feedback seriously. Your feedback and usage patterns help to shape and inform our products. From your feedback, we learn not just what you want, but why something is important to you and your company.
Note: Product feedback is focused on the future state of Pendo. If, instead of sharing product feedback, you want to report a bug or have a question about how to use Pendo, see Get help with Pendo from Technical Support, or ask other Pendo users in the Pendo Community.
Why give us product feedback
Give us feedback to help us understand your current experiences of our products and how we might enhance these experiences so that you can deliver more value to your users.
Alongside usage data, product feedback informs how we improve our current products and helps us to identify the most important problems, experiments, and opportunities to innovate. This allows us to deliver features that provide the most value to our collective customer base.
How to give us product feedback
There are three ways to provide us with product feedback:
- Through the ideas portal in our Resource Center, where you can vote on the ideas displayed there, or provide other feedback about your experience with Pendo.
- Through the purple badges for contextual feedback about your experience from a specific page or feature.
- Through our NPS survey for both general opinions of Pendo and specific feedback that you want to give.
For instructions, see Submit product feedback to Pendo.
What happens to product feedback
Whether you share your feedback with us in-app, verbally, through email, or through NPS, our goal is to route your product feedback to Listen to help us centralize and understand your feedback in context.
When your new feedback is added to Listen, it becomes part of our feedback library, which, alongside your usage data, is used by our product teams to research problem spaces and opportunities so that we can understand our users better, drive innovation, and inform our roadmap. When feedback is added to Listen:
- We use automation rules to route the feedback to the relevant team at Pendo.
Our Product teams review incoming feedback every month. - The teams use Pendo AI to spot trends and identify key themes that are coming up most often in your feedback.
- When a common theme or a problem space starts to emerge, the team creates an idea in Listen to link and group all feedback items under.
The product team decides which ideas to add to our ideas portal for others to vote on. Usually ideas are added to the portal if:
- They're on our roadmap.
- They're popular and they need to enter a discovery and validation stage before committing them to development.
Creating ideas from feedback
Grouping feedback under ideas allows us to:
- Understand the demand for an idea. Each feedback item counts as a vote towards an idea that it's grouped under. We can then view ideas by segment and stack rank ideas according to these votes, as well as accounts or value, in the Analysis tab in Validate.
Present potential features to you using our ideas portal and using idea tests to solicit your votes and comments on the ideas that are most important to you. Typically:
- We use idea tests to research specific features.
- We add the ideas we're considering to our ideas portal for further validation and discovery.
- Start taking action. Ideas might be added to our roadmap or sent to Jira if we're ready to build them. We might also create a segment based on the votes and feedback linked to an idea so that we can contact you for further, targeted research.
Research and updates
If your feedback relates to an idea that we’re considering or actively developing, we might contact you to conduct further research with you. We might occasionally invite you to a call or email exchange, either through in-app communications or through email. There's no obligation to take part in this research.
We also have an ideas portal, which you can use to see the areas that we're investing in. Here, you can add your comments and votes to ideas that we’re considering for discovery and research, as well as share other feedback.