Export data from Feedback

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Warning: Files exported from Feedback are incompatible with Listen imports. Attempting to import a file that's exported from Feedback into Listen causes data loss and creates erroneous data. For more information, see Migrate to Pendo Listen in this article. For information on how to move data from Feedback to Listen, see Migrate from classic Feedback to Pendo Listen.

You can export Feedback data from Feedback > Settings > Export data. There are four types of export, each resulting in a separate CSV file, which you can open using various spreadsheet tools, such as Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel:

  • Requests, where each line represents a request.
  • Votes, where each line represents a vote.
  • Accounts, where each line represents an account.
  • Comments, where each line represents a comment.

Export requests

This export includes thirty columns, including details about the request itself, its progress along the development lifecycle, interactions with the request, and associated attributes.

Column name Description
Pendo Assigned ID The unique identifier assigned to the request in each row. This is useful for mapping requests to votes, accounts, and comments in other exports.
Title The response given in the first field (title question) in the request form.
Description The response given in the second field (description question) in the request form.
Form Data The question and the response for the second field and each subsequent question and response in the request form.
Resolution The status of the feedback request using the default Feedback status names.
Status The status of the feedback request using the default Feedback status names: Awaiting Feedback, Planned, Building, Released, or Declined.
Status Name The custom name that you gave to the default status name in Feedback. If you didn’t save custom status names, this column duplicates the entries in the Status column of the export.
Created At When (in UTC) the request was created.
Updated At When (in UTC) the request was last modified.
Declined At When (in UTC) the request was set to the default Feedback status, Declined. The column captures any requests that are assigned this status, regardless of whether you renamed the status to appear as something else in the UI. This field only populates for requests that were or still are set to Declined.
Developing At When (in UTC) the request was set to the default Feedback status, Developing. The column captures any requests that are assigned this status, regardless of whether you renamed the status to appear as something else in the UI. This field only populates for requests that were or still are set to Developing.
Planned At When (in UTC) the request was set to the default Feedback status, Planned. The column captures any requests that are assigned this status, regardless of whether you renamed the status to appear as something else in the UI. This field only populates for requests that were or still are set to Planned.
Released At When (in UTC) the request was set to the default Feedback status, Released. The column captures any requests that are assigned this status, regardless of whether you renamed the status to appear as something else in the UI. This field only populates for requests that were or still are set to Released.
Waiting At When (in UTC) the request was set to the default Feedback status, Awaiting Feedback. The column captures any requests that are assigned this status, regardless of whether you renamed the status to appear as something else in the UI. This field only populates for requests that were or still are set to Awaiting Feedback.
Effort The effort rating out of 100 given to the request using the effort slider.
Is Private? The visibility of the request, set to either team only (TRUE), or team and visitors (FALSE).
Created By User ID The Feedback user ID for the creator of the feedback request. This ID is different from the Visitor ID, which you assign through the install script. The Feedback user ID is randomly assigned by Pendo to both visitors and internal users of Pendo. This is useful for mapping requests to data in other exports.
Created By User Name
  • For internal users of Pendo, the team member’s name, which is assigned when an internal user is created.
  • For visitors, the visitor’s name, which is passed as metadata through the install script or Salesforce.
Created By Email
  • The team member’s email address, which is assigned when an internal user is created.
  • If passed as metadata through the install script or Salesforce, the visitor’s email address.
Updated By User ID The Feedback user ID for the internal user who last edited the feedback request or updated its status.
Updated By User Name The name of the internal user who last edited the feedback request or updated its status.
Updated By User Email The email address for the internal user who last edited the feedback request or updated its status.
Requested By User ID The Feedback user ID for the visitor that the request was created on behalf of. This field is empty if the request was raised by the internal user themselves and not on behalf of a visitor.
Requested By User Name The name of the visitor that the request was created on behalf of. This field is empty if the request was raised by the internal user themselves and not on behalf of a visitor.
Requested By Email The email address of the visitor that the request was created on behalf of. This field is empty if the request was raised by the internal user themselves and not on behalf of a visitor.
Apps Applications assigned to the feedback request. Apps are named the same as they appear in Pendo Feedback.
Product Areas Product areas assigned to the feedback request. Product areas are named the same as they appear in Pendo Feedback.
Tags Tags applied to the feedback request. These could be manually added tags or tags passed through the install script. Tags are named the same as they appear in Pendo Feedback.

Export votes

This export includes eight columns, including IDs for the vote and the request it belongs to, and information about who created and updated the vote, and when.

Column name Description
Pendo Assigned ID The unique identifier assigned to the vote in each row. This isn’t the request ID, the voter ID, or the vote itself. 
Pendo Assigned Request ID The unique identifier assigned to the request that the vote belongs to. If you also export requests, this is useful for mapping requests to votes.
Created At When (in UTC) the vote was created.
Updated At When (in UTC) the vote was updated.
User ID The Feedback user ID for the voter, who could be a visitor or an internal user. This ID is different from the Visitor ID, which you assign through the install script. 
User Name The name of the voter, who could be a visitor or an internal user.
User Email The email address of the voter, who could be a visitor or an internal user.
Pendo Assigned Account Id If the voter is a visitor, the Pendo-assigned unique identifier for the account that the voter belongs to. This is different from the Account ID, which you assign through the install script. If you also export accounts, this is useful for mapping votes to accounts.

Export accounts

This export includes ten columns, including details about the accounts and associated attributes.

Column name Description
Pendo Assigned ID The unique identifier assigned to the account in each row. This isn’t the Account ID that you set through the install script or send from Salesforce.
Type Account type assigned when creating the record: Account or Opportunity.
Source How the account was created: through the UI, the install script (Widget), Salesforce, or Zendesk.
Account ID The Account ID that you set through the install script or send from Salesforce.
Account Name The name of the account. This is blank if you don’t pass the account name as metadata.
Status The paying status of the account: paying, not paying, or prospect.
Monthly Value The value of the account. This is blank if you don’t pass the value as metadata. Although this column is called “Monthly Value”, it could be an annual or other value depending on what you configured at the account level.
Tags The tags associated with the account. These could be manually added tags or tags passed through the install script. Tags are named the same as they appear in Pendo Feedback.
Salesforce Account ID The Salesforce account ID. This is blank if you don’t have the Salesforce integration with Pendo Feedback set up.
Salesforce Account Name The Salesforce account name. This is blank if you don’t have the Salesforce integration with Pendo Feedback set up.

Export comments

This export includes nine columns, including details about the comments and related attributes.

Column name Description
Pendo Assigned ID The unique identifier assigned to the comment in each row.
Pendo Assigned Request ID The unique identifier assigned to the request that the comment belongs to. If you also export requests, this is useful for mapping requests to comments.
Text The content of the comment.
Created At When (in UTC) the comment was created.
Updated At When (in UTC) the comment was last updated.
Is Private? The visibility of the comment, set to either team only (TRUE), or team and visitors (FALSE).
Created By User ID The Feedback user ID for the commenter, who could be a visitor or an internal user. This ID is different from the Visitor ID, which you assign through the install script. 
Created By User Name The name of the commenter, who could be a visitor or an internal user.
Created By Email The email address of the commenter, who could be a visitor or an internal user.

Migrate to Pendo Listen

The data included in Feedback exports isn’t structured in a way that Listen can use. We can’t rectify issues caused by importing data from classic Feedback into Listen. We therefore recommend that you use our migration tooling to transfer data from classic Feedback into Listen. For more information, see Migrate from classic Feedback to Pendo Listen.

We don’t recommend that you use exported Feedback files to import feedback items into Listen for the following reasons:

  • Exports don’t include the attributes needed for importing data into Listen. For example, columns in the exports for Pendo-assigned user IDs aren’t recognized in Listen.
  • You can’t import multiple fields into Listen. Listen feedback items include a title and a description. Any more than this can’t be imported from a feedback export into Listen.
  • You lose vote data. Feedback items in Listen can’t have multiple votes associated with them unless you use our migration tooling. The migration tooling that we use makes an exception for migrated data to preserve votes.
  • You lose other attributes, including statuses, comments, and timestamps.
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