Triage requests

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You can notify team members of relevant requests by mentioning them in comments or by assigning requests to them or to their Product Area. 


Permissions are granted to user Roles and set by an admin user in Settings > Product Settings > Manage Team > Manage Roles. To assign requests to a team member, the role must include the following permissions under Requests:

  • Edit requests
  • Assign Requests to Team Members

Anyone can assign requests to themselves in bulk, but to assign an individual request to yourself from the details page of the request, you need Edit requests permissions.

For more information, see Manage Team: Roles and Permissions in Feedback.

Mention team members

It's possible to mention team members in comments that you post on requests. This is a useful way of notifying them and maintaining discussions, without assigning a task to them.

To mention a team member, type the '@' symbol and then start typing their name. A dropdown menu appears with suggestions. Select the relevant team member and to mention them in the comment.

When you or another team member are mentioned in a comment, they receive a Feedback notification. For information about Feedback notifications, see Manage in-app Feedback notifications.

Add or edit a Product Area

Product Areas are commonly used in Feedback to represent areas of ownership. Product Managers are typically responsible for Product Areas. If this isn't applicable to your product or team, you can use request Assignee as an alternative for defining ownership and triaging requests. For more information, see Assign a request in this article.

A request can only have one Product Area at a time. You can add a Product Area to a request from either:

In the request details

To add or change a request's Product Area from within the request's details page:

1. Open a request to see its details.

2. Select the edit icon at the top of the request page.


3. Open the dropdown menu under Product Area.

4. Choose a Product Area.

5. Select Save Changes at the bottom of the page.


From the Browse page

The Browse page, accessed from the left-side navigation, gives you a quick overview of request details, including the Product Area. To add or change a request's Product Area from the Browse page:

1. Find and select the request you want to add a Product Area to.

2. In the panel that slides out over the right-side of the screen, open the Areas dropdown menu and select the appropriate option.


Bulk add Product Areas

You can bulk-add a Product Area to a group of requests from the Browse page.

1. Open the Browse page from the left-side navigation.

2. Find and select the requests you want to add or edit the Product Area for. When you select requests on the Browse page, an Actions dropdown menu appears at the top of the table.

3. Open the Actions menu and select Change Product Area from the list.


4. In the Change Product Area window that appears, open the dropdown menu and select the appropriate Product Area.

5. Select Save Changes.

Filter requests by Product Area

To find requests that relate to a specific Product Area, navigate to the Browse page from the left-side navigation and select the appropriate Product Area from the Product Areas dropdown menu at the top of the page.

For more information, see Manage requests in the Browse page.

Assign a request

Assign a request to yourself or to a team member to notify them that action is required. Internal users can filter requests to remove the noise and only view requests assigned to them. You can assign a request to yourself or a team member from either:

In the request details

To assign a request from within the request's details page:

1. Open a request to see its details.

2. Under Request actions on the right-side of the page, open the Assignee dropdown menu.

3. Assign the request to yourself, or scroll down to the team member you want to assign it to. Users are listed alphabetically.


When a team member is assigned, a confirmation banner appears at the top of the page, and the assignee receives an email to notify them. 

Note: You can also open a request's details from the Browse page. Select the request from the table and then select the expand button at the top of the panel on the right-side of the page to open the full request details. If assigning a team member from the Browse page, however, you don't have to open the request's full details.

From the Browse page

The Browse page, accessed from the left-side navigation, gives you a quick overview of request details, including their assignee. For more information, see Manage requests in the Browse page.

A panel appears on the right-side of the page when you select a request from the list in the Browse page. The panel provides a high-level summary of the request, including who the request is assigned to.

To assign a request from here, open the Assignee dropdown menu and assign the request to yourself, or scroll down to the team member you want to assign it to. Users are listed alphabetically.


Bulk assign requests

You can assign requests in bulk from the Browse page.

1. Open the Browse page from the left-side navigation.

2. Find and select the requests you want to assign. When you select requests on the Browse page, an Actions dropdown menu appears at the top of the table.

3. Open the Actions menu and select Edit Assignee from the list.


4. In the Edit Assignee window that appears, find and select the team member you want to assign the requests to.

5. Select Save Changes.


Filter requests by Assignee

To find requests that are assigned to yourself or another team member, navigate to the Browse page from the left-side navigation and open the Assignees dropdown menu at the top of the page.

Select Assigned to me or search for the name of the assignee. You also have the option to start typing the name of the assignee in the search bar.

You aren't limited to seeing requests assigned to only one team member. You can include any combination of team members in your filter.


Edit email notifications

By default, every time you assign a request to yourself or a team member, the assignee receives an email.

To edit your email preferences so that you don't receive an email when a request is assigned to you, select the Profile icon in the top-right corner of your screen, open Email Settings, and deselect Request Assignment.

To edit your email preferences so that you don't receive an email when you're mentioned by another user, select the Profile icon in the top-right corner of your screen, open Email Settings, and deselect Mentions.


Best practices

Categorizing or assigning every request can become unmanageable. Not every request adds value to your roadmap conversations, so focus on categorizing the requests that already fit your strategy, have a sense of urgency, or have a demonstrated value in terms of votes, revenue, or any other metric you might consider. 

Requests should be assigned to someone when they require action, for example, when:

  • A request is in progress or review and you want to add it to the owner’s view. 
  • A request needs an additional layer of triage and you want a subject matter expert to take a look.
  • A request status needs to be updated so you let the Communications team know.
  • A request looks like a Support ticket and you want the Support team to contact a customer.
  • A request could indicate possible churn and you want a PM to look at it urgently.

Ensure that your internal users have their email preferences set before you start assigning requests to them so they don’t become overwhelmed by email notifications, especially if this becomes part of your daily workflow. For instructions, see Edit email notifications in this article.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can’t I assign requests?

You may not have the right permissions. Check the Permissions section of this article and ask your internal Feedback manager to adjust your permissions if needed.

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