Measure user license utilization

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The User License Utilization dashboard widget measures the percentage of eligible visitors actively engaging with an application, Product Area, or specific events. By comparing active users to your total possible user base, this widget helps you assess adoption and ensure licensed seats are being used effectively.


Note: This widget is only available for subscriptions with accounts configured.

For information on general dashboard and widget functionality, see Dashboards.

How it works

The User License Utilization dashboard widget calculates utilization as the percentage of active visitors compared to the total possible visitors using two key fields:

  • Numerator. The number of active visitors who performed an action within the selected date range.
  • Denominator. The total number of eligible visitors, based on an account metadata field (for example, “Number of user licenses” or “Number of seats purchased”).

To calculate utilization accurately:

  • You must have an account-level metadata field in Pendo that represents the total possible visitor count for each account.
  • You must keep this metadata up to date by regularly uploading a CSV file or programmatically through Pendo’s API (for example, with Salesforce or Hubspot integrations).

Add the widget to your dashboard

  1. Open a dashboard, then select + Add Widget in the top-right corner of the page.
  2. Select User License Utilization from the list of available widgets.


  3. Update each field to your preference.
    • Name. Enter a display name for the widget to show on your dashboard.
    • Numerator. Select the source of active visitor activity to measure: an individual application with Any activity (apps), all activity within a Product Area with Areas, or individual Events.
    • Denominator. Choose the account metadata field that represents the total possible user count. If no field is selected, the widget shows active users only.
    • Date Range. Select the time period to analyze user activity.
    • Segment. Select which users to include in the analysis. Larger segments generally result in more stable data.
    • Account. Filter the analysis by specific accounts, if needed.
  4. Optionally, open and configure the Advanced settings.
    • Filter by account metadata. Use this to focus on specific accounts, such as filtering by “Account Type = Paid” or excluding internal accounts.
    • Display periods. Control the time intervals shown in the widget tiles. The selected periods determine how the utilization percentage is calculated and displayed. For example, Monthly average and Quarterly average only displays in the widget if the date range includes a corresponding larger period.
    • Hide weekends. Exclude weekend data from calculations.
    • Complete periods only. Exclude incomplete weekly, monthly, or quarterly periods. This doesn’t impact Today, Yesterday, or Daily average calculations.
  5. Select Save to add the widget to your dashboard.


Interpret the widget data

Use the utilization percentages in each tile of the widget to identify opportunities for improving user adoption or license utilization.

  • If the percentage seems low, consider investigating why certain accounts are underutilizing their licenses. For example, you might identify inactive accounts or underperforming Product Areas.
  • A high percentage indicates that visitors are actively engaging with your app, Product Area, or events. Use this data to benchmark successful adoption strategies.
  • If the overall percentages don’t provide enough clarity, consider applying filters (like account metadata or segments) to narrow your focus on specific account types or user groups. This can help uncover trends or problem areas that might otherwise be hidden in aggregate data.

Hover over a tile to view additional details, including the date range, total usage percentage, numerator and denominator calculation, total unique visitors, number of days/weeks/months, sum of the selected metadata field, and total accounts.

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