Dashboard widgets

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This article provides a brief overview of each widget available in the widget catalog to add to your Pendo dashboards. For more information about adding and editing dashboard widgets, see Dashboards.

Available widgets

  • Account Frequency. Provides a percentage stacked area chart that shows the relative usage of accounts. See Frequency definition to understand specific calculations. Filter by segment and app.
  • Account Overview. Shows total counts for unique accounts that visited one or more apps or interacted with up to 10 events for today, yesterday (Daily = daily active accounts), the last seven days (Weekly = weekly active accounts), and the last 30 days (MAA = monthly active accounts). Filter by segment and app.

  • Active Unique Visitors Per Hour. Provides a heatmap that shows the active unique visitors per hour in your subscription's time zone. Active time includes any generated events, like Feature clicks, Page views, and Track Events, for the trailing calendar week and doesn't incorporate idle time. Filter by segment, account, and app.

  • App Usage. Provides a pie chart that shows percentage of app activity based on aggregated time on site for each app and in relation to all other apps. For multi-app subscriptions only. Filter by date range, segment, account, and app.

  • App Version Distribution. Provides a pie chart that shows the percentage of visitors per app version. For mobile apps only. Filter by date range, segment, account, and app.
  • Browser Usage. Provides a pie chart that shows the percentage of visitors using each browser type. Browser type is a global event property that's automatically gathered from the user agent when we receive events from your visitors. Filter by date range, segment, account, and app.

  • Data Explorer. Provides the chart visualization of an existing Data Explorer report. Reflects all filters applied to the original report.
  • Device Usage. Provides a pie chart that shows the percentage of visitors that use each device type to access your app. This information is automatically gathered as a global event property from the user agent when receiving events from visitors. Filter by date range, segment, account, and app.
  • Embed iFrame Code. Provides an option to embed content to display iFrame content. For more information, see Embed iframe content on dashboards.
  • Feature Adoption. Provides a bar chart and table that shows what Features account for most of your app's total Feature clicks. Benchmark is set to 80% by default, and you can measure by Percent of Feature Clicks or Average Percent of Daily Feature Clicks. Filter by date range, segment, and app. For more information, see Measure overall feature adoption.
  • Feature Overview. Provides the total number of Features tagged with Pendo. Filter by app.
  • Feature Use by Account. Provides a scatterplot that shows the total number of accounts using each of your tagged Features. Filter by date range, segment, and app.
  • Feature Use by Visitor. Provides a scatterplot that shows the total number of visitors using each of your tagged Features. Filter by date range, segment, account, and app.
  • Funnel. Provides the chart visualization of an existing funnel report. Reflects all filters applied to the original report. Data automatically refreshes after each new report run and every 14 days.
  • Goals. Provides measurement on an ongoing or time-bound usage goal of your choice. To learn more, see Event goals.
  • Guide Activity. Provides a table that shows all guide events for a specific guide, or guide events for visitor. For more information, see View guide metrics.
  • Guide Elements. Provides a table that shows the use of building block elements in a guide.
  • Guide Goal. Tracks your guide goals and see how many visitors performed a specific action after viewing the guide. For more information, see View guide metrics.
  • Guide Overview. Provides the total number of guides that are currently active, or set as Public, in your apps. For more information, see View guide metrics.
  • Guide Engagement. Provides a bar chart that shows the total number of first-time and repeat views or visitors for a specific guide. For more information, see View guide metrics.
  • Most Seen Guides. Provides a table that shows the top five most-viewed guides in your apps. Filter by date range, segment, and account.
  • Net Promoter Score. Provides several different options to report on an NPS survey of your choice. For more information, see View NPS response data on dashboards.
  • OS Version Distribution. Provides a pie chart that shows the percentage of visitors per operating system version. For mobile apps only. Filter by date range, segment, account, and app.
  • Operating System Usage. Provides a pie chart that shows the percentage of visitors that use each operating system to access your app. Operating system is a global event property that's automatically gathered from the user agent when we receive events from your visitors. Filter by date range, segment, account, and app.
  • Page Overview. Provides the total number of Pages tagged with Pendo. Filter by app.
  • Page Use by Account. Provides a scatterplot that shows the total number of accounts using each of your tagged Pages. Filter by date range, segment, and app.
  • Page Use by Visitor. Provides a scatterplot that shows the total number of visitors using each of your tagged Pages. Filter by date range, segment, account, and app.
  • Page/Feature Use Over Time. Provides a line chart that allows you to analyze data for multiple Pages and Features of your choice. Measure by daily, weekly, or monthly and views/clicks, visitors, or accounts. Filter by date range, segment, and account.
  • Path. Provides the chart visualization of an existing path report. Reflects all filters applied to the original report. Data automatically refreshes after each new report run and every 14 days.
  • Poll Results. Provides a table that summarizes all responses for a poll of your choice. Filter by account, date range, and segment.

  • Product Engagement Score (PES). Provides a glance at your app's PES. Filter by date range, segment, app, and account.
  • Product Requests by Product Area. Provides a treemap that shows Feedback requests based on Product Area, where the larger the treemap box, the more requests for that Product Area. Filter by app. For subscriptions with Pendo Feedback.
  • Product Requests by Status. Provides a pie chart that shows the percentage of Feedback requests in each status. Filter by app. For subscriptions with Pendo Feedback.
  • Recent Product Requests. Provides a table that displays up to 20 recently created Feedback requests. Filter by app. For subscriptions with Pendo Feedback.
  • Replay Saved Filters. Allows you to view up to 10 recent replays within a saved filter of your choosing. For more information on how to save filters, see Save filters.
  • Retention. Provides a breakdown table of an existing Retention report. Reflects all filters applied to the original report.
  • Retention by Usage. Provides a line chart that shows account retention based on the number of visitors or accounts who used a specific event within the first 30 days of using your app. Can modify calculation by adjusting the first use period, cohort type, frequency, and retention date range. Filter by segment and app. For more information, see Measure retention by first use.
  • Stickiness Metric. Provides a line chart that shows visitor or account engagement as a ratio of short-term versus long-term return frequency. Measure by metric, such as Daily Active Users (DAU) versus Monthly Active Users (MAU). Filter by date range, segment, app, and account. For more information, see Measure stickiness.
  • Text Block. Provides a free-edit text field that allows you to show additional context on your dashboard. For more information, see Add text blocks to dashboards.
  • Time On Guide. Provides a bar chart that shows the average number of seconds that a guide displayed each time it was viewed. For more information, see View guide metrics.
  • Time to First Use. Provides a box plot that shows the distribution of time and average time it takes visitors to first engage with one or more events of your choice. Filter by date range, app, segment, and account. For more information, see Measure time to first use.
  • Top Guide Metrics. Shows key guide metrics, including first-time views, total views, and average time viewed. For more information, see View guide metrics.
  • Total Time on App Per Week. Provides a line chart that shows how much time your visitors or accounts are spending in your app. Measure by weekly or monthly and total accounts, visitors, views/clicks, or time on apps. Filter by date range, segment, account, and app.
  • Trending Product Engagement Score (PES). Provides a line chart that shows your PES over time. Filter by date range, segment, app, and account.
  • User License Utilization. Shows usage metrics, including the percentage of active users compared to the total possible users for an app, Product Area, or event. Filter by date range, segment, account, and account metadata. To calculate user license utilization, you must have account-level metadata in Pendo that represents the total possible users for an app, Product Area, or event, such as "Number of user licenses" or "Number of seats purchased". Only available if you have accounts configured for your subscription. For more information, see Measure user license utilization.
  • Visitor Frequency. Provides a percentage stacked area chart that shows the relative usage of visitors. See Frequency definition to understand specific calculations. Filter by segment, account, and app.
  • Visitor Overview. Shows total counts for unique visitor who visited one or more apps or interacted with up to 10 events for today, yesterday, the last seven days, and the last 30 days. Filter by segment, account, and app.
  • Weekly Accounts. Provides a line chart that shows the number of active accounts over time. Measure by daily, weekly, or monthly and total accounts, visitors, views/clicks, or time on apps. Filter by date range, segment, account, and app.
  • Weekly Visitors. Provides a line chart that shows the number of active visitors over time. Measure by daily, weekly, or monthly and total accounts, visitors, views/clicks, or time on apps. Filter by date range, segment, account, and app.

Frequency definition

Frequency in the Account Frequency and Visitor Frequency dashboard widgets, as well as on the Visitors and Accounts pages, shows you how often your app is used. Visitors and accounts are calculated into one of the three categories to ensure there's no overlap. (This differs from the stickiness metric, which does overlap users across DAU/WAU/MAU for its calculations and doesn't use the category metrics detailed below.)

Frequency is calculated based on the number of days where a visitor sent any event in the previous 30 days (up until yesterday; not including today). This metric first filters by the selected date range (for example, last 7 days), then looks at the frequency of the visitors who sent at least one event during that date range over the last 30 days. A visitor or account fits into one of the categories based on the below metrics:

  • Low if user was active at least 1, but no more than 4, of the last 30 days.
  • Medium if user was active at least 5, but no more than 12, of the last 30 days.
  • High if user was active at least 13 of the last 30 days.

Visitors who sent no events during the selected date range aren't included.

Add dashboard widgets from other pages

You can also add widgets to your dashboard from other places in Pendo.

For Data Explorer, funnel, path, and retention reports, go to Behavior > Saved Reports, find the report you'd like to add to your dashboard, then select Add to dashboard.


For workflows and workflow journeys, go to Behavior > Workflows, find the workflow report you'd like to add to your dashboard, then select the Add to dashboard icon in the top-right corner of a supported dashboard widget.


For goals, go to a specific Page or Feature, locate your goal, then select Add to dashboard.


Note: Dashboard filters aren't supported for report and goal widgets.

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